Adoption...Is it for Christians?

by MinisterAmos 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • GLTirebiter
    Adoption is in many ways the highest example of Christian love, it is the embodiement of Mattew 25:

    PSac, well said!

    Besides the moral calling to aid the helpless, any religion which opposes abortion (as the WT does) has the ethical duty to encourage adoption of children whose parents lack the means or maturity to raise them.

  • MinisterAmos

    Thanks for the first hand experience. My wife's sister lives in Mexico, and as it turns out, they DO "discriminate" based on religious beliefs there. Point is, the first point of contact that they made told them that it would be "very difficult" for them to be approved as adoptive parents.

    That probably just means a bigger bribe, but there was some push-back on the JW thing.

    The reason they did not have children was based on the same thing many of you may have encountered...A fine Pioneer couple, Elder, bright future in the Org, why would you want to throw all that away when we are so close to the end?

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