The Master spoke to me this morning. . .

by Inkie 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elgiard

    You can take this any way you want, but I'm being perfectly honest when I say that that's the most retarded thing I've read all week.

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    The Master should of told you not to post that information here.


  • StAnn

    Out of curiosity, just who do YOU think this Master is????

  • tec

    I actually think that is an excellent question, StAnn.

  • AGuest

    Ahh, dearest Inkie (peace to you!)... such a small, harmless thing to share, but maybe not the best for here. Many of these folks have trouble grasping some of the deeper things shared by Christ; how much more difficult for them to grasp something so small, so simple, so... innocent. They can't HANDLE it, dear one, as you have probably seen by the comments to me and others "like" you. I would implore you, don't put yourself out for some of these folks. Your faith is beautiful... but not everyone is worthy of it, unfortunately. Take heart, though, for you are not alone. In speaking out and admitting you hear, perhaps (though not entirely)... but not in the world. Not at all. We ARE here.

    Dearest Beks... peace to you... and LOLOLOLOL! You ARE funny, dear one!

    Again, I bid you both peace (and heart, Inkie!)

    A slave of Christ,


  • Dark Side
    Dark Side

    I find it interesting that when your Master tells you to do something, your first reaction is, "No, I don't want to be disturbed."

    When your wife asks you to do something, your first response is, "Ok. Not a problem. Will do."

    So I'm wondering, who is the real master in your house?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    LOL @ Dark Side

  • Quentin

    Out of curiosity, just who do YOU think this Master is????....(StAnn)

    Yes, who is it? There are many Masters. One goes by the name of Satan. You and AGuest feel free to carry on....

  • Quillsky

    I don't understand this thread.

  • frigginconfused

    was it an actuall voice? if so how loud? man or woman? what was the tone? details please.

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