I have come to the conclusion that JWs who are following WT and the teachings of men are doing so because they are somehow incapable of making their own decisions. Is it because they are afraid of being responsible for their own actions and their own decisions in life? Do they see the WT as some sort of safe comfortable womb? Is the WT path a way to blame others and not take personal responsibility for one's action?
A JW recently went against her better judgement and her own conscience in following the dictates of what her husband told her to do. Of course, after so many years she knows she is supposed to be in total subjection in order to gain Jehovah's approval, according to the Law of WT.
When I questioned her about going along with something she felt was wrong, she responded that if her husband's decision was wrong and he made her execute the decision, that Jehovah would hold him responsible. Not her. Because, after all, she is guilty of no wrongdoing when she is following the Law of Subjection.
Is this also the general thought when the leaders and elders misdirect the congregation with WT lies? Is this why zombie JWs accept whatever they are told? Do they feel they will be blameless if they follow bogus teachings because the elders or the publishing company will be held responsible (by Jehovah) and not them?
If a machine doesn't work, there's always the demons to blame.
If a horrible tragedy occurs, it's because Satan is working hard and it's the end time. (Usually a dead pan reaction of no compassion or sorrow.)
Shunning is like a game of "Simon Says."
Do any of you find that most JWs have difficulty taking personal responsibility for their own actions?