by fokyc 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks very much for that focyc. I will read it properly later whe I have more time. It's amazing how each month they just go over old ground again and again. Presumably as more and more witnesses do their own thing instead of listening to 'mother'
Thanks foykc !!!
Lord have mercy,
At the bottom of the KM they talk about the Sept 1, 2010 WT and they mention 1 john 4:1 "Test the inspired expression to see whether they originate with God."
We "have" tested every last one of their false prophesies, and we used dueteronomy 18:21-22 to test them by, and they do not originate with God.
Question: Scince the GB say they are not inspired, does that mean the rank and file have no need to test?
Gracias, foykc.
Did you notice the field service highlights box? Wow, there aren't many JWs in Britain, are there? Only 129,000 publishers in May? What countries, besides England, does this include?
thank you fokyc,,I wish we could the "U.S." one like that regularly.
StAnn It includes Wales, Scotland and Nothern Ireland as far as I know and is listed under Britain in the worldwide report. For years now there has been no real increase at all in Britain and that also applies to many European countriies.
We still get these wastes of paper delivered to us by our group overseer - they go straight into recycling.