As practically everyone knows, this website is a vast treasure-trove of information on just about any topic imaginable about the Jehovah's Witnesses and the WBTS. This is probably the most comprehensive source of information in English on the Internet.
I just want to know people's ideas/opinions on writing a book whose subject is this website.
It would be daunting task, to say the least. It would take a lot of intellectual effort to simply establish an approach - a methodology or structure. Just figurring that out would be - in iself - an considerable achievement.
One example would be "The Effects - Both Passed and Those Anticipated in the Future - of the JWN on the Jehovah's Witnesses Religious Sect."
Or maybe, "The Evolution and Development Over Time of the JWN Website."
Maybe it's just a stupid idea. Maybe issues concerning coppwright would - in themselves - pose an obstacle which is insurmountable.
And yet, this website is a vast compendium of information. There is so much knowledge and useful information to be gleaned.
Oh well, thanks for giving my [crazy?] idea your kind consideration.