The August 2010 KM has a whole section outlining what a "talk" should be in the service meeting. Either the brothers have alzheimers or are deliberately going their own way.
Instructions for Those Handling Service Meeting Parts
Beginning with this issue of Our Kingdom Ministry, the wording of the Service Meeting schedule is being simplified. The following instructions and reminder will update and clarify what was stated in the article "How to Prepare for the Service Meeting," which appeared in the May 2009 Our Kingdom Ministry.
• Talk: This refers to a discourse based on the assigned material with no audience participation. The speaker should focus on what will be most helpful to the congregation.
• Questions and Answers: Much like the Watchtower Study, this part has a very brief i ntroduction and conclusion, and questions are as ked on all the paragraphs. The conductor should avoid commenting excessively. Key scriptures may be read as time allow. Paragraphs are not to be read unless instructions are given to do so.
• Discussion: This is a talk that includes some audience participation. It is not simply a talk, and it is not all ques tions and answers.
• Demonstrations and Interviews: Instructions to demonstrate mean that the brother assigned the part is responsible for including a demonstration; he personally does not have to give the demonstration. Those he chooses to help him should be capable and exemplary, and he should make arrangements with them well in advance if poss ible. It is best not to use new and inexperienced publishers to demonstrate how the work is to be done simply to gi e them the opportunity to be on the platform, although some can be used as householders. Publishers demonstrating a presentation hould take care to face the audience. Those used in an interview are to give their comment from the platform rather than from their seat. Demonstrations and interviews should be rehearsed. If the meeting is running overtime and a brother must shorten his part, he will avoid deleting demon tration or interview. Ministerial servants s hould check with the coordinator of the body of elder or another elder before selecting participants.
If a unique part has special instructions, these hould be carefully followed. By delivering s ervice meeting parts as outlined above, brothers will contribute to Service Meetings that "take place decently and by arrangement."- l Cor. 14:40.