It's been a couple of months since I posted anything. I finally have internet in my apartment. Some of you may not remember me, some may. There's a lot of newbies on here who I don't know. My divorce it almost final. It shouldn't be too long away. Things have been great. A little lonely at times, but for the most part great. I've been dating the guy I talked about before who's in my acting class. Things are going good with him. It's very interesting dating in the real world versus the cult world. I like it a lot better. For one, he can pick me up for a date, and we can ride together in his car ALONE. We don't have to meet in a public place or have chaperons. Of course, my mom is trying to convince me that all "worldy" men will give me aids and rape me. Neither one of those applies to him, but my mom won't believe me. He's very respectful, very intelligent, funny, cute. He knows about my jw background and it's okay. I don't feel embarrassed about it. I can be myself with him. He had a birthday about a month ago, so I got to celebrate a birthday for the first time. I just baked him cookies. I tried shopping for a birthday card, but it felt so awkward. I ended up not getting him a card, I just told him happy birthday myself. I'm starting to learn a lot more about myself now that my time is not being consumed with cult activities. I can take the time to just sit in my apartment, be alone, and just think. And I don't feel guilty about it or feel like I'm wasting time that could be used to read a Watchtower. I can do whatever I want now. And I feel a lot better about myself. For the first time in my life, I'm not in an abusive environment or relationship. I'm learning how to be normal and happy. Well, now that I'm back, hopefully I'll have more time to read and post on here.
My update
by doublelife 14 Replies latest jw friends
DOUBLELIFE- I'm so happy for you that you've found some peace in your life and have a great guy as well ! Good for you ! Congratulations ! Keep enjoying your newfound freedom of mind and spirit ! You definitely have the power to make your life enjoyable away from the JW cult. Good to have you back
Also so happy for you, Doublelife!
And of course you should sit and be able to be alone and rest or enjoy something for yourself. Even Jesus said to go and take rest for themselves, to his disciples.
Well done Dubbletrubble !
I wish you all the best for the future !!!
Gradually it becomes easier to do normal things like buy birthday cards, not only that but share in the pleasure of celebrating the day with the person.
I am slowly becoming not just an ex-JW but an ex-ex-JW. I am looking forward to a cigar at Christmas, not that I will take up smoking, but it will feel liberating.
Go girl. life is for the grabbing !
Glad to hear from you and I'm thrilled that you are adjusting so well to life in the real world.
compound complex
Welcome back, doublelife!
I'm happy for you. You'd be surprised who's exchanged birthday cards and had celebrations amongst the JWs. Not that that matters anymore.
Continue to grow toward normalcy and to be happy. All the best.
Well done to you hunny !! You keep it going - your post sounds honest and real and thats what counts in life. Be happy.
Loz x
congratulations on your new life.
I know how you feel about buying birthday cards, but once you've bought one ..... well now I don't even give it a thought, I love buying 'em.
Good for you!! Moving on with your life is great feeling isn't it!