I studied the The Paradise Book...

by teejay 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay


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  • joelbear

    Lisa sweetie,

    ONLY WOMEN????

    It was actually a color somewhere between salmon and melon.

    I had a bike like the one in the picture when I was a kid. I always remember the bike and the funny looking dog.



    Hey teejay,man do I ever remember that book.My mom made sure I had my own copy.What a thing to give a kid.Us dub kids do have some unique experiences...OUTLAW

  • Tanalyst

    Yes I remember, my eye would always go to the bike, as a child my intuition would kick in and I'd say to myself," this is plum crazy"!

    But now I understand, the bike and everything falling in the pit was not manufactered by WB&TS.

    Bottom line is we suffered Emotional Trauma from that picture! And who drew that picture ? Some psychopath who never had a real family.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Some things I always liked about that picture from the Paradise book were the bike and the dog. Why the dog should perish was beyond me. Of course the bike would emphasize that little kids would be slaughtered by the God of love. They had their chance and blew it.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

  • teenyuck

    I avoided reading this post because I did not want to be reminded...then the lure of the book got me....

    YIKES!!! I hated that book. As pointed out earlier, this made me question how a "kind, loving, God" could kill children and animals. I started having my doubts.

    I need to go take my Zoloft!

  • ballistic

    This was the book that showed adam and eve completely naked if I'm not mistaken... but the real gossip here is that it was taken out of print before the end of it's shelf life due to a number of in-accuracies which were pointed out to the society.

  • teejay

    As pointed out earlier, this made me question how a "kind, loving, God" could kill children and animals. I started having my doubts.

    Like I said, puffsrule ... somebody in the art dept. of the Watchtower Society drew it but they didn't come up with the idea. The idea behind the drawing is right there in everybody's Holy Bible.

  • Makena1

    I used to love doing pencil rubbings of all those old embossed book covers before I learned to read.



    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • TheRecordCollector

    BALLASTIC: >"it was taken out of print before the end of it's shelf life due to a number of in-accuracies which were pointed out to the society.

    TRC: Interesting comment! I found a 1958 copy of the thing the other day in a book store and bought it. Research work you know.....

    I haven't really had time to read it yet. What are the inaccuracies?


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