What was it that first got you thinking that the Society was WRONG in how they INTERPRET the BIBLE?

by UnDisfellowshipped 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Nearly two years ago looking at the internet instead of going to a group study. I was blown away by what I read on here, Freeminds etc.


  • DaCheech
    It was when we were studying the Revelation book and the society had the arrogance to apply just about everything in the book to themselves

    amen, that was laughable and we did it how many times?

  • Terry

    The Watchtower Society is not "wrong" in its interpretations.

    This is for a very logical reason.

    There is no CORRECT interpretation of Bible texts.

    The texts themselves have no internal logic or unified authorship.

    The corruption of whatever original words, sayings or explanations there were is long since lost to history.

    Actuality is unrecoverable.

    What remains is a fog of paraphrase passed off as actual quotation. Contexts are missing or lost or misplaced.

    The scriptures FROM WHICH the Watchtower operates are a kind of sham or counterfeit, if you will.

    Each denomination of Christianity is able to create "plausible" (to them) interpretations.

    Without a historical connection between some pristine actual original statement (verfiable in an autograph text) and what we read in any translation today----it is all equally OPINION based on FICTION. Pious fiction.

    The glaring ERROR the Watchtower has made is in pinning its interpretations to ACTUAL EVENTS IN MODERN TIMES which have served to REFUTE those interpretations.

    This has served to prove without any doubt they are WRONG.

  • UnDisfellowshipped


    But there are established ways and methods of exegesis (recognized by scholars, experts) not only of interpreting the original Bible writer's meaning, but also of interpreting other ancient documents/scrolls/books/writings, if I am not mistaken?

  • Dagney

    1975...the "scriptural" interpretation of that date seemed like it was pulled out of a giant magic hat, even to me as a very young person.

    Later, their teaching that hours on a time slip decided your salvation I knew was bogus. But I still remained.

    Then when the generation definition changed in 1995 I knew they had no idea what they were talking about and were making it up all along.

  • brotherdan

    I'm the same with many of you. First I read Crises of Conscience, and then tried to read the Revelation book. It was a joke. How can you believe that these powerful celestial changing trumpet blasts applied to a weak little resolution given at a convention in the 20's? It's sad. I think most JWs would see that it is false if they would just take 1 step back and look at it. The Bible is so obviously different from what they say.

  • brotherdan


    Nice to see your gibberish talk on one of the religious topics. There is no interpretation? What a joke. You're a silly butt nugget.

  • Violia

    The one that made their house of cards fall for me- the change in the baptismal vows. I'd noticed a lot of other things but that was concrete proof . 1975 , worship of the GB, mother, downgrading Jesus to a good example. There are so many more. The absolute first thing I guess was the way crimes are covered over in the org. It began to look like the mafia to me. Actual crimes, not sins, were kept from the proper authorites. I think that was the first thing, and others followed.

  • booby

    When I hit a rough spot in my life I came to realize that the elder arrangement (and I had my turn at that "privilege") was a sham. The love shown within the organization being above anything in the world was a sham. The congregation having the same concern for the sheep within the flock as Jesus manifested was a sham. Like I have read on this board numerous times - when the house of cards started to fall, nothing could stop it from total collapse.

  • booby

    oops. I guess that wasn't exactly on topic.

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