If God (Jehovah) truly loved humans

by smiddy 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    I`m taking this veiwpoint from a JW/christian observation, and my questions are:

    If God, Jehovah, Allah,or whoever else you may like to call him,truly had the worlds " human" interests at heart,why would he only deal with a small minority of humans,over centuries of time ignoring the vast majority of the worlds population.

    Why would he send a number of prophets over centuries of time,to specifically set matters straight as to how they should worship him,then when it comes down to Jesus time ,their are numerous sects,and no real direction from God as to how they should worship him.It`s all left up to faith,which is radically different from the "old testament"veiw.

    Why didn`t he give instructions /guidance to the rest of mankind,(who would have been in the millions by now)to give them some hope of salvation? Obviously he didn`t give any thought to them.

    2000 years on from their, the christian gospel is mainly only preached in western civilizations,it is not widely preached in India,Pakistan,the UAE,mainland china,Indonesia,Afghanistan,or many other large populated areas.

    So my question is.... does God really "love the world so much that he gave his only begotten son"

    persnally I don`t think so


  • acolytes

    Hi Smiddy

    Your question will get a lot of "Yes" And "NO" answers and reasoning in-between-

    My answer to the question is if "yes" then he should bow low right down to the earth and shed a tear, if" no" then we should bow low right down to the earth and shed a tear.

    Personally I have no idea.


  • finallysomepride

    If he truly loved mankind he would have fixed the problem shortly after the garden of eden episode.

    didn't happen

  • PSacramento

    My little girl asked me to get her book for her, she was sitting on the sofa and I was doing soem clean-up in the kitchen, I told her to get up and walk over and get it her self or go upstairs to her room and get oen there if what she was looking for wasn't where she was.

    She said, and I quote, "I'f you loved me, you'd get it for me".

    I answered, " I'll show you how much I love you, with a smack across the butt !!"

    LMAO !

    Kids...I love them so much, everyday they teach me something.

  • BurnTheShips
    If God, Jehovah, Allah,or whoever else you may like to call him,truly had the worlds " human" interests at heart,why would he only deal with a small minority of humans,over centuries of time ignoring the vast majority of the worlds population.

    Well, that's an enormous premise, and one that I don't think is true.


  • watson

    You must remember Smiddy, it is all for God's glory, and the vindication of his name. The world is a stage, and we are just part of the cast.

  • AGuest
    If God, Jehovah, Allah,or whoever else you may like to call him,truly had the worlds " human" interests at heart,why would he only deal with a small minority of humans,over centuries of time ignoring the vast majority of the worlds population.

    Greetings, dear Smiddy, and peace to you! I have addressed that question on page 3 of this thread:


    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,




    The Bible is a big book - 66 books in fact. You need to pick out the right bits and interpret them in a way that answers your questions.

    Then ask Jesus to come into your life.

    Now is that too much to ask?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Of course he doesn't!

    who would treat his children the way 'god' treats his?

    a child abuser, thats who.

    i accuse this 'god' of abuse at worse and neglect at best.


  • transhuman68

    The Egyptians were probably lucky not to have a ‘Jehovah.' They certainly accomplished a lot more.

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