Is Georges in La Jolla the place then? It's fine with me. What time is good? I was planning on taking M down the OC coast on the way down, but maybe should do that on the way back.
SoCal meetup
by Dagney 31 Replies latest jw friends
Tasting Stop bragging about your trip dude :) ohh the beaches..... Well Im going to PAlm Springs
Did we decide?
(Hop, it might be just you and me in a martini bar in Pasadena! ;-))
Dag, give me a call, my number is on facebook, if you don't already have it.
Ok...I'm sick and Hop is not feeling well (she's been burning the candle at both ends!!! ;-)) So we won't be able to make La Jolla today. :-(
Dagney wrote: Hop, it might be just you and me in a martini bar in Pasadena! ;-)
I could make that trip on Sunday. Or Taco Bell. Or a walk through a park or ...
Pasadena is doable for me.
Make sure you look after my dear wife Hoppy you lot!!
Cheer to all from Australia - with you in spirit.
Thankyou all so much for looking after Hoppy during her visit. You have all been so kind and generous and I really appreciate it. I mss her a lot and it makes me feel better knowing she is being cared by such kind people.
It was very hard to say good-bye to her tonight. **sniff**
Looking forward to the next time we meet up with you both.
It was hard saying goodbye to you too Dagney and also to AudeSapere. I am going to miss you both badly when I go back home, we've had such a great time together. I've enjoyed every minute of our sightseeing trips and other fun times. And thanks to you both for a lovely afternoon and evening yesterday (even the visit to the Drs was ok having you both there!!)
And also to Tasting Freedom and his lovely wife - thanks also for your company and good times and great cooking. And TF'swife - I had a great time with you on all our shopping expeditions together. Thanks so much for including me in your family. I'll miss you too when I'm back home.
besty and sweetpea - even though our time together was short I really enjoyed being with you. Thank you for listening to my story and for your encouragement. It means a lot to me.
Flipper - thanks so much for your encouraging phone calls. It's been great talking to you in person and sharing our stories and experiences. And thanks for your good advice.
And to those I missed out on meeting due to being unwell the last few days - I hope that I can come back over here soon and that we do get the chance to meet.
love and hugs