If you compare the actual earliest copies of the Book of Mormon with the present day version it is alarming and amazing to see how funky the misspellings, awful grammar and King James plagarisms have been.....um....redacted and corrected into non-existence.
I wouldn't go so far as to say non-existence.
Materially, no---didactically; yes.
Working in the religion section of a used book store allows me access to some interesting religious materials that I might not otherwise even know existed.
There was a book I should have kept that was written by the person who use to be the official Mormon archeologist/apologist. He is the "former" official one, that is. He included photo scans of the various papyrus frauds Joseph Smith had "translated" which was PRE-Champollion.
Now that heiroglypics is actually translatable (meaningfully) Smith is exposed for what he was!
I think in the same book it included some items found stored in a trunk belonging to a friend of Smiths which were drafts of the Book of Mormon.
All extremely interesting and completely covered-up by the Church Officials.
If only we had access to whatever original documents constituted the first writings of the Christian Jesus stories. But-wait! We do have access to some of them. The official Catholic view was that they weren't worthy of inclusion in the canon.