BOBCAT!! Do you want to chime in on this? This is scary.
Watchtower says: Jesus is a FALLEN ANGEL
by UnDisfellowshipped 18 Replies latest jw friends
bumped again
edit to add : see the destroyer
not sure about the star being satan , why would satan do God's work ? The NIV calls the star an agent of God possibly an angel . I do not believe that Jesus is a created angel so do not accept their explanation . What worries me is the identification of the locusts with "the army of Jehovah's witnesses "
I have wondered before about motives behind the leadership of the org. I am one of the people who see a satanic influence behind the org. How far would the rank and file go if told by the GB to act in a certain way if the seeds have been planted that they would be carrying out God's retribution on Christendom ?
WE wonder what makes a Muslim act violently when the Koran teaches peace and the answer is that some clever person has twisted their scriptures to convince a gullible person that they are doing the will of God .
I am not privy to the KH teaching that does not get broadcast to joe public but I wonder what else is insidiously planted into their thinking about Christendom ? I do remember reading that a worse fate was waiting for the Clergy of Christendom in one of their books . I asked about this as I understood that the teaching is that there is no hell and the sinfull people are simply killed off , so how can there be worse fate for some people?
As usual I got blank looks . I took this , at the time, to mean that the witness did not know , but now I wonder if it was theocratic warfare and she would not tell me the answer cus it wouldn't reflect well on the society to someone outside . Am I turning into a conspiracy theorist who sees ulterior motives everywhere , or is it in this case justified ?
any thoughts ?
I also cannot understand how people fail to make the connection.
It is a satanic cult, controlled by satan. The whole research surrounding the name je-hovah is what did it for me.
Been gathering bits and pieces of info regarding mysticism, magic, paganism, spriritism etc... they were all very common in society at one time, as was the use of many drugs.
Modern society is nothing like it was 100 yrs ago, let alone 2000 yrs ago.
I liken it to following a trail, backwards, to the beginning, to gain a full understanding. not what has been drilled into us.
Band on the Run
These scriptures can only be analyzed correctly if you know Jewish tradition and writings. Many writings are not in the Old Testament. Jews believe the Torah is in the heart. Rabbis adjust teachings to help people in their own society. I used to wonder what the actual teachings and traditions were. Not that many Jewish people are experts. I called a professor who specializes in the area. He told me about a source that is called The Encyclopeida Judaica. My local PA library has the full set. It is right by the main reference area. I was shocked that a library with so few local Jews would stock it.
I had nothing specifc to research so I just opened it up anyplace. Of course, I was pressed for time but I skimmed the son of Man and other sections most relevant to Witness teaching. It is a fantastic resource. I could not understand the most advanced discussions but I learned a wealth of info by skimming. They cover a range of opinions. If there is a controversy, the encyclopia covers all areas. Facts are facts. Opinion is always labelled as opinion.
If anyone had Bethel had a modicum of OT knowledge, we would be reading quotes from these articles in every WT. Franz did have some education. It is not impressive by most standards. Nevertheless, it was not completely shabby. Even in his day, there was databases of scholarly articles from scholars around the world. Within religioius groups, there are even more sources and books. You must realize that NYC is very Jewish. If he walked down the street, he had access to some information and context. It is so much easier today but all this was available in his day. Some of the most crucial articles in NT scholarship were written in the late 1800s.
Why he did not even make an effort amazes me. You must realize that I believed for a long time that he was the most brilliant person to ever live. The encylcopedia is available online but, if I recall correctly, it is expensive. Also, attending elite colleges in NY, the best library in the entire area is not a university one. The Reference Department at the NY Public Library with the lions sculptures in front is so much better. In fact, you don't have to go into the stacks. The books are delivered to you. They poured money into the room. The fixures were designed by special people. A reproductioni of the NY Library lamps sells for several hundred. Franz had access for free.
I started out believing that he meant well but made some errors. His time was so needed by all of us. We had midget brains. Now I am certain he pulled ideas out of his head based on whimsy. Next, they become creative to the point of lying. No, I did not believe they would ever lie. Sometimes I wanted to take the subway to Bethel and show them an article. Of course, they would correct the teaching in the next WT.
Band on the Run , you are sooo right to say that a knowledge of the OT is essential to understanding the New , so many Christians do not realise the depth of teaching in the OT and the written and oral commentaries .
Band on the Run , you are sooo right to say that a knowledge of the OT is essential to understanding the New , so many Christians do not realise the depth of teaching in the OT and the written and oral commentaries .
sorry did not mean to post twice , got carried away !!!