Great points Flipper!
I noticed that I wondered way too many times how most of them became elders (a few I knew were truly decent and loving people). Most lacked love, they lacked tact, they lacked skills, they didn't take care of their families, they treated their wives like servants and all their wives were alcoholics and taking medications for depression (no wonder!), they were egotistical, misogynistic and chauvanistic. Many of them creeped me out at the way they stared at the other sisters. I remember a sister telling me of an elder who approached her at the hall and was picking something out of his teeth and he said "Ya - I'm just picking the short and curlies out of my teeth" and then winked. PIG! Yes sir Holy Spirit appoints them!
The whole thing is scary. So many people entrust their lives to these unqualified men who then take advantage of others. They are also privy many times to personal information about people in the hall which is very dangerous considering the history of some of these men.
I knew of an elder who would seek out depressed sisters who had been abused and on medication and rape them. He would use the date rape drug many times on people as well. The whole thing was so disgusting that it's one of the things that jolted me awake. I just couldn't let it go and it didn't make sense to me that he gets away with this repeatedly from hall to hall. I asked questions but it got me nowhere! They hide and lie. So infuriating.
Okay - talking about this guy is making me angry and upset so I'd better end my post!