Yahweh is a homicidal maniac who delights in burnt flesh and the killing and raping of his enemies. I mean, most of the OT is about how many people he kills. 10,000 here. 10,000 there. 10,000 everywhere. If you believe that such an evil entity is a god, the joke's on you.
(1 Samuel 15:3) Now go, and you must strike down Am′a?lek and devote him to destruction with all that he has, and you must not have compassion upon him, and you must put them to death, man as well as woman, child as well as suckling, bull as well as sheep, camel as well as ass.’”
(Psalm 137:9) Happy will he be that grabs ahold and does dash to pieces Your children against the crag.
Sounds like the key to happiness to me: take little kids and crack their skulls open = happiness according to Yahweh.