by Quentin 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    Due to health reasons (cost of a pack as well) I've gotta stop smoking....Terry suggested smokless cigeretts. anyone try those? What's a good way to stop? I have managed to cut down to less than 10 a day, but have GOT to stop period. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

  • sooner7nc

    Good luck Quentin. Sorry, that's all I got.

  • beksbks

    Yes you are Quentin, one smoking hot man..............oh wait sorry.

    It's a disfellowshipping offense. Quit now.

  • Quentin

    It's a disfellowshipping offense. I remember that, got away with it too. beksbks been one smoking hot man a smoker over thirty years. It will not be easy. Thanks Sooner.

  • beksbks

    I only know a couple of people who had to quit. One was my father, who quit as soon as the WT said he had to. The other is my husband, whose exwife said he had to when they were to have a baby.

    If I tell you you have to or else, will that help?

  • 5thGeneration

    Swedish Snus might help you.

    Not American Snus or pouches which are high in carcinogens.

    Swedish Snus has 10x the nicotine but the carcinogens are 2.8 parts per mil for Ettan brand compared to as high as 127.9 parts per mil in American brands.

    Lots of debate about them but 26% of Swedish men use it and they don't have any higher rate of mouth cancer than American men and the lowest rate of lung cancer in Europe.

    Do some research on it.

  • sooner7nc

    Quentin, you've got a PM.

  • wantstoleave

    Hi Quentin.....have you ever tried to quit before? Might be good to look at past experiences you've had with trying to quit and try something different this time. Cold turkey works for some but not all. My dad did it cold turkey about 30yrs ago, when he started studying. My mum did cold turkey, albeit for one relapse of one Have you tried the patches? Or lozenges? The smokeless cigarettes look interesting, but they still keep you in the motion of hand to mouth with something in it. Maybe you could try hypnotherapy? All the best

  • nelly136

    a few people i know read this book and lost the urge to smoke altogether.

  • VampireDCLXV

    This topic reminds me of the story my dad told me about why he quit. (I do love stories!)

    My dad was an automotive mechanic and every once in a while he'd have to head out of town for a couple of days or so for a technical upgrading/refresher course for dealership technicians. One day after work he was driving up to the out of town class after work and he was lighting a ciggy while driving. In the middle of sparking up, he dropped the lighter on the floor and the cig in his lap. He so was frantic to get the lit cigarette out of his lap that he drove into a ditch. Luckily dad didn't wreck the car or himself. It occured to him right then and there that smoking was going to kill him one way or another, so he quit cold turkey that night. He really needed some kind of oral fixation afterward, so he would buy entire cartons of chicklets gum.

    Take the story for what you will. LOL



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