Do you hate to hear a very long story?
by asilentone 23 Replies latest jw friends
I just haven't gotten to your long story, yet, ASO. I will in a moment. Patience. I just got home twenty minutes ago :)
Granted, I am at the KH right now and need the distraction ........
No, I love them. What's the problem? Your story short and boring?
Maybe it is a metaphor for length of lovemaking.....
(yea I am just being annoying... I am counting the minutes.....stupid song is playing finally!!! - hiding in the bathroom with netbook)
Luv you AS1
Awww Snappp!
yknot, I might invite you to my home and I will explain it to you.
hiding in the bathroom with netbook)
Yknot, you are my hero.
"There goes my hero
Watch her as she goes"
So long as I can bring some brochures and mags.......... see how much time I can clock....
(damn I am gonna be struck by lightening....I am posting this during the prayer)
I quit!
I'm envious Yknot pac-man wasn't even around the the last time I attended a meeting.
Oh... this was about long stories. Lord of the Rings yes. Dances with Wolves no.