JW Malawi Girl Turns Down Scholarship To Study In China Because JWs Banned

by Justitia Themis 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis


    Aug 18, 2010

    Girl rejects scholarship

    BLANTYRE (Malawi) - A MALAWIAN girl has declined a scholarship to study medicine at a Chinese university over concerns that her religion is banned in the communist country, sponsors said on Wednesday.

    Chikondi Denemu, an 18-year-old Jehovah's Witness, turned down one of three full scholarships arranged by private radio station Zodiak for students who excelled in their exams, station manager Gospel Kazako said.

    Ms Denemu 'declined a golden chance of her lifetime because her parents were concerned that Jehovah's Witnesses are banned in China,' Mr Kazako told AFP. 'She told us after surfing the Internet she discovered that Jehovah's Witnesses were banned in China and she consulted her church's national headquarters who told her she can't go.'

    Mr Kazako said Zodiak had secured the scholarships 'to empower the girl child�in Malawi, the majority of them poor, vulnerable and victimised'.

    Ms Denemu, who initially accepted the scholarship, was due to begin her five-year, all-expenses-paid studies next month at Shandong University, where she would have studied Chinese for a year before enrolling in medical school at Central South University in Hunan province.

    Jehovah's Witnesses, who number more than seven million worldwide, are evangelising Christians who consider modern churches to have deviated from the Bible's true teachings, reject modern evolutionary theory and refuse blood transfusions. China does not formally recognise the faith, and Jehovah's Witnesses say members have been arrested and detained for participating in prayer study. -- AFP

  • crazyblondeb

    and why is she considering college?? I thought she was suppose pioneer??

    (said with sarcasim)

  • snowbird
    she consulted her church's national headquarters who told her she can't go.

    What a misguided victim!

    What a bunch of delusional bastards at HQ!


  • babygirl30

    So let me get this straight - it's OK for her to go to accept a full 5-yr scholarship to become a DOCTOR - but because it's in China, and JWs are banned - she won't go?

    WOW...that's all I can say. WOW! How stupid.

  • snowbird
  • JWoods

    Sylvia - isn't it also just a little more than ironic that the Chinese apparantly had no problem with this girl attending their university, but it was the New York City protected JW leadership that repressed her!

    Watchtower leadership is more repressive and controlling than the communist Chinese...and they just cannot seem to keep their filthy hands off the people in Malawi.

  • snowbird

    Yes, it is, JWoods.

    This scholarship was set up to empower women, and what better way than through an excellent education?

    It was stated at my link that the Chinese government knew of the girl's religious affiliation, but found no fault with her being a JW.

    I hope her parents will have a change of heart - what a brilliant child they have, and what an opportunity for her!

    I'd better leave this alone. I can FEEL my blood pressure rising.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    This is very sad, especially given the background of this young woman. I hope she changes her mind before its too late.

  • JWoods
    This is very sad, especially given the background of this young woman. I hope she changes her mind before its too late.

    The saddest part is that - in Malawi - this may very well be the only chance like this she will get in life. I just hope she still has a mind of her own to change. Apparantly not at this time - she is being radio-controlled by the idiots in Brooklyn.

    It was stated at my link that the Chinese government knew of the girl's religious affiliation, but found no fault with her being a JW.

    Obviously. And let's think about it - the Chinese probably send tens of thousands of their students here, despite religious differences. This is about education, not religious issues.

  • snowbird

    The university which my daughter attends has quite a few Chinese students.

    In Alabama!!!

    Yes, it should be about education - not religion.


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