I've done #3 before.
Doesn't bother me a bit. The alcohol kills the bacteria too.
Why ruin the gnat's fun?
Besides, after a few glasses, you don't give a damn anymore anyway.
by Gregor 33 Replies latest jw friends
I've done #3 before.
Doesn't bother me a bit. The alcohol kills the bacteria too.
Why ruin the gnat's fun?
Besides, after a few glasses, you don't give a damn anymore anyway.
easily 2 and not too proud to say 3 doesnt even make me blink...
that being said, i am no bear grylls...
some of the crap he puts in his mouth...... EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
There is a fair amount if "gnat" interjection in the wine making process. Whether you realize it or not, you are all #3
For some reason coming from the deep recesses of your mind, Gregor, that scenario reminded me of the saying/scripture "they strain at the gnat and swallow the camel."
#2 for a gnat.
Substitute other things for the gnat and it becomes a 1 or a 3.
1 - I'm vegetarian
#2 if I'm wearing my glasses
#3 if not, because I wouldn't see the gnat in the first place
Also, like BTS said, #3 after the first bottle is empty!
I'm a 1. I don't care if the alcohol has sterilized the thing
2 or 3. He isn't hurting anybody, stuff like that probably goes in your mouth while you are asleep anyway. Wasting wine is a sin in my new religion! NMKA
I'm with no more kool aid
At a push 3.
Why waste good wine for the sake of a tiny half-pickled insect?