Let's use this Game with CHURCHianity, boys & girls!
Why are the Clergy leaders kept behind a curtain?
Who cares if the average churchoid can name their Clergy?
Why is the entire process of the conclusions that end up in church dogma secret?
Are ideas that are tossed before they make it into Official Dogma documented?
Are the Clergy appointed by God or the Gods (Trtinity) or not?
Why does Sanctity of Blood, a Biblical concept, take second to the saving of one's life- when REAL Christians often gave up their life to remain faithful?
Why don't Clergy HAVE Judicial Committees, and remove those practicing evil from their congregation?
Why are the financial incomes of the Cergy kept secret?
Why does CHURCHianity fully utilize current technology to aid in their deceptions?
How can the Clergy be “Spirit Directed” while at the same time teaching contrary to Christ & scripture?
Why do Churches allow very young children to be baptized?
Why is old dogma never replaced with new and clearer understanding of scripture?
Why is personal research rarely encouraged?
Why is learning Greek and Hebrew, for the purpose of verifying their translations, discouraged?
When a spiritual or physical crime is committed with only one witness, why does Churchianity do nothing?
Why is Matthew 24:34 largely ignored by CHURCHianity?
Can it be proven that Jerusalem was destroyed in SCRIPTURE?
Does CHURCHianity have the right to validate the Faith of all the many different denominations with all their conflicting dogmas as all being "Christian" with God's Spirit?
If you can answer these questions satisfactorily for yourself then you are in the right Organization for yourself. If you cannot, then it might be time to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is what you really believe in.
Now, the only GOOD and no-spin question listed here was:
Why does the Watchtower refer to new teachings as “New Light” when some of this “New Light” reverts to an old teaching?
Answer: Because they are always changing their OPINION as to what the prophecies mean!