Reaching the Goal of Baptism ... old enough?

by wannabefree 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabefree

    The Watchtower November 15, 2010, Young Ones - What Will You Do With Your Life?

    page 14, paragraph 12

    ... You should get baptized when you are fully aware of what being one of Jehovah's Witnesses involves and when you are sure that you are ready and willing to take on this responsibility. - Ecc. 5:4,5

    page 15, paragraph 15

    How, though, can you tell whether you are ready for baptism? One way is to ask yourself such questions as: '... Do I engage in the ministry even when my parents do not? ... Would I continue to serve Jehovah even if my parents and friends stopped doing so?...'

    When does a 'young one' ever fully understand what the Witness dedication means? As a Witness parent, when I was a fully indoctrinated believing parent, I wouldn't have considered having my children study things about the organization that might lead them away. Even parents who suggest their child wait until they are older, I doubt few if any would recommend the child examine the opposing view before making that decision. Even young adults and older ones who study, what Witness is going to suggest to them to learn anything other than the Witness side before getting baptized?

  • scotinsw

    I know that there has been mention previously about the possibility that there are some "awakened" ones in the Writing department.

    I think that para 14 could be one...all it really needs to have added is and aware of the consequences if you leave.

    On the other hand, para 15 kind of quashes that theory but there's more to this paragraph than meets the eye imho.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    What a load of leading question and answer BULLSHIT

    I hate reading watchtower propaganda aimed at my kids.

    How do you know when you are ready?

    by asking the questions WE tell you to ask...

    and by giving the answer WE tell you is the answer (just like a wt study)

    i am getting to hate this religion more and more

    this makes my blood boil.


  • jwfacts

    What a load of leading question and answer

    Yes, it is very clever. This is the sort of thing my mother would show me and say how JW children are not forced to get baptised. But look at the results - JW children get baptised generally mid teens, knowing almost nothing about other religions or evolution. This is propaganda aimed at others, and subtle mind control to let JWs think they did have a choice.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    If they accept teenagers in their mid-teens for baptism, then by the same token they should also accept and allow mid-teens to decide that they don’t want to be a witness, let alone be baptised. But no, if they are under 18 (or 21) the parents are supposed to raise their kids as JWs.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I took this up in mediation with my ex...

    i requested that the children not be encouraged nor accepted for baptism until 18.

    The answer was a flat out NO,

    the children will make that decision on their own.

    Which is 'witness speak' for 'i am raising them to get baptised and you don't have a say'.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Interestingly enough, the WT tells them it is the MOST important thing they will ever do in their entire life, but you can do it as a kid...

    Marriage is not as important, jehovah comes first, but dont do it while in ''the bloom of youth''...


  • blondie

    I just read this yesterday:


    How, though can you tell whether you are ready for baptism? One way is to ask yourself such questions as:

    Can I explain basic Bible teachings to others?---what do they mean by "basic"? Able to explain all the questions in the Organized book, how many over 200? Can they explain how the WTS arrives at 1914...I know many adult jws who have been baptized for 30 years who can't.

    Do I engage in the ministry even when my parents do not?--when would a minor be going out by themselves--at 6, 9, 10? Do their parents drop them off, expect other jws to pick them up, why aren't their jw parents taking them out and training them? Does training a child end at their baptism?

    Do I endeavor to attend all Christian meetings?--what happens when mom and dad don't go? Do they drive themselves, do other adults have to pick them up?

    Would I continue to serve Jehovah even if my parents and friends stopped doing so?---How many jw children do you know that did this?

    I grew up in the WT organization and I can tell you none of my contemporaries would have continued if their parents did not (minors of course).

  • VM44

    "If you have a kid of 14, 15 or 16 years and the kid is not baptized yet, what about your education (that you are giving your children)? At that age they should be baptized or thinking about it." - David "Bullet Head" Splane, from his Zone talk Four Figurative Giants.

  • ambersun

    I was baptised as a naieve 15 year old who had only been studying for a few months along with the rest of my immediate family. How could this have been allowed?! I had no real idea of what I was getting into, I was carried away with the euphoria of it all and the praise and commendations coming from my parents and also my new 'family' of brothers and sisters. OK, I answered all the pre-baptism questions with genuine enthusiasm, I really wanted this to happen and so I was baptised along with my parents.

    In retrospect I realise my euphoria over getting baptised was due to the delight of pleasing my parents and the safe feeling of belonging within the congregation. How many other youngsters get baptised for this reason?

    I feel that children raised in the organisation would be under even more psychological and emotional pressure to become baptised to please everyone who cares about them, and also for the feeling of safety and belonging within the congregation, mistaking these feelings for a genuine desire to dedicate their lives to serving God as outlined by the WTS.

    The GB must be aware this is happening but still encourages children to get baptised before they are fully mature enough to make decisions that are not in danger of being influenced by pressure from their parents or congregations. Merely asking them to answer a few pre-baptism questions to ensure they are ready for baptism is futile as a child cannot be emotionally or psycologically developed enough to know their own minds and hearts at such a tender age.

    In my opinion youngsters should be encouraged to wait until they are at least 18 and gained some life experience before taking such a major step which will affect their lives forever.

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