National Sibiling Day and Jehovah's Witnesses
by wannaexit 12 Replies latest jw friends
In most of the USA and Canada April 10 is National Sibling Day. The witnesses are all in a frenzie actually celebrating this in my area. Yet in a few months these same people will shun Mother and Father's day. What a bunch of hypocrites. -
Wow! i usually don't even remember my dreams but last night I had 2 dreams with my brother in them. I didn't even know yesterday was Sibling Day.
I think JWs are desperate to celebrate anything and I guess the JWs haven't gotten around to denouncing sibling day yet. Though in principle, it's the same as father's and mother's day. ie "Why celebrate somebody just for their relationship to you, despite what kind of person they are and whether they deserve to be celebrated? And of course, if they are worthy, why treat them special only on one day, why not every day?" Or so the JW thinking goes.
Why do they celebrate anniversaries, but not birthdays which are simply anniversaries of your date of birth?
As a child, my JW family always celebrated Thanksgiving though we never called it that. We had my sister and her husband over and had a big feast and a turkey. Supposedly because everybody had off work and turkeys were on sale.
Yep! My JW sister posted of pic of me, her and my other sibling on Facebook with a "Happy National Sibling Day!" caption. But you're right ... in a few weeks our mother's pic (who is also JW) will be no where and it will not even be acknowledged. -
At least my JW siblings are consistent- they shun me their lone non-JW sibling AND don't celebrate Fathers or Mothers day . LOL -
Looks like Siblings Day is quite a new thing. How long until the party poopers at WT HQ suck the fun out of this one too with some bullshit about 'the real blessings of our spiritual brothers and sisters'.
Hrm, I wonder what pagan god or goddess they can summon who was once worshipped and they were a sibling...Got to be one somewhere so they can spoil the fun. Can't have witnesses doing what 'the world' is doing!
lol @ Nicolau...that "spiritual brothers and sisters and their real blessings' sounds legit!
The concept of 'sibling' is illegal in China
Why do they shun Mother's and Father's Day again? -
National Siblings Day ? that`s obviously an American thing? I have never heard of it here in Australia , but then again , how we also seem to follow American traditions I suppose in a few years it will be a norm here to.
Fathers Day , Mothers Day , Siblings Day ?
Whats next
Grandparents Day ? First Born`s Day ,? Inheritance Day ? ( I like that one )