This thread reminded me of Jesus' words in Luke 11:46: "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them."
What religion does that today more than the WTS?
JWs can't express their own thoughts and even feel guilty for thinking their own thoughts privately. They have to attend endless meetings, go door to door their whole lives, please the elders, please the circuit overseer, live in fear of Armageddon... the list goes on and on.
They have to endure to the end or have a lifetime of service count for nothing. They have to somehow attain to perfection in the millennial kingdom. They have to pass a final test by Satan or be wiped out. Even that final test isn't final. After that, if they choose to sin like Adam did, they'll be annihilated.
As long as you submit to that kind of system, life IS hard, and it will never get any better.