Interested too.
Anybody interested in attending a professionally-arranged conference addressing cultic group issues to be held in Nashville, TN?
by AndersonsInfo 17 Replies latest jw friends
jamiebowers: Your friend in Nashville can email me about the proposed conference. Please pass along my email to him.
I'm going to continue to bring this to the top for a few weeks just to see if at least 40-50 people express interest. If we don't have the numbers, then no conference and I'll notify the organization that wants to arrange it.
There will be this same type of conference on the west coast of US next year that is definitely in the planning stage. More news will be forthcoming about that later on this year.
Nashville is only about a five hour drive for me. I'm interested. I'll pass this on to a couple of ex-JWs I know who don't post here, one of whom has become somewhat of an expert in cult practices. She may be interested in attending.
Barbara, you have a PM.
About a five hour drive for me, I am interested.
Interested, depends on business trip I have every October.
Is there a speaker list or breakout schedule from the last one they had?
Too early to discuss any details. The association president that wants to arrange the conference in Nashville is only investigating to see if there is any interest. I'm sure that former members of other cultic groups will be interested in attending, and that would be great, but since it appears that it's former JWs who attend so many workshops for ex-cult members, conference leaders want to do something for them on a larger scale.
Nashville is quite centralized to so many states. And for many XJWs that live in this part of the country and ordinarily don't have an opportunity to attend such conferences, if held in Nashville, it will be possible for them to do so.
Pistoff: PM or email me and I'll answer your question. I'll say this: The conference organizers are very reputable. I've spoken at two of their conferences in the past. They will provide dozens of speakers and those in attendance will have lots of choices as to what lectures they want to attend.
I am a wee bit more than mildly interested, as I mentioned above.
I have already met Barbara Anderson, but anyone who has not- it is worth the trip to hear from Barbara. I could do that again.
But to meet some others, Purplesofa and Leolaia, and maybe a handful of others from JWN would be awesome.