Blondie! It's great to see your WT comments again. I peeked in this board every once in a while and couldn't find WT comments from anyone so I thought it wasn't being done anymore. I have always enjoyed them from you and V. Of course, I have been away from this board for a long time (working on my business) but I am sooooo glad I left (faded) the WT organization when I did in 2005. I have had all these years since then to reflect on the attitudes, teachings, treatment of the people in the org. and it's just wrong, wrong, wrong. It's amazing how just a few people up there in Bethel can have such a damaging affect on the attitudes of millions of people and the "flock" don't even realize it. But once you leave the org. the blinders come off and you think to yourself, "how in the world did I believe and put up with all this nonsense?"
Sorry all for the blank page I sent before this my eagerness to post something, I pushed the submit button before I wrote anything....:)
Thank you for your comments, I totally agree with them, and now that I know they will be here I will visit more often.