"A sense of urgency"

by Norm 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    The above phrase is one of the most cherished in the Watchtower’s huge arsenal of tools for manipulation. It is used to work the average Jehovah's Witness into a sort of frenzy and keep them there. This is of the outmost importance for the Watchtower Society leaders. Many Jehovah's Witnesses has spent their entire lives in this state, hoping and longing for the promises of the Watchtower to come through, only to die of old age after a wasted lifetime peddling worthless books and magazines, which sometimes is outdated before the ink in them is dry.
    Lets take a closer look at the use of this phrase in the Watchtower literature. A search of the CD ROM show that the phrase had its beginning in the sixties:

    “Time is fast running out. We may not be slothful nor may we procrastinate if we would keep clean from the blood of all men. Truly, woe is us if we do not take advantage of every opportunity to warn all we can. Let us give the warning with earnestness and intensity, yes, with a sense of urgency as though this were our last time to warn our hearers. Who knows how soon this actually will be the case?” Watchtower, October 1. 1960, page 608

    “Franz went on to explain that the remarks of the speaker were perfectly sane, for God’s Word foresaw the end of World War II, and following it a postwar peace that would not last. “Now, here we are,” Franz continued, “in the twenty-first year of this peace since World War II, and the prediction is that this peace will not last. . . . It should fill you with a sense of urgency,” Franz told the students, “to realize that the sands in the hourglass up above are running out, and the time is coming to a close for this work that has to be done before this peace ends.” Watchtower, April 1. 1966, page 195-6.

    Yeah, sure. Like countless other doomsayers Franz is now pushing up daisies. All of them making it a lifetime career showing their insanities down other people’s throats. Their “sense of urgency” proved to be little more then a fantasy, and a very sick one at that. In the end of the sixties, when the year 1975 got the attention this phrase was beginning to get more use:

    “They Feel the Urgency
    One of the most outstanding proofs of the growing sense of urgency among God’s people is the number of persons who arranged their affairs to spend their full time in the preaching work regularly or for a vacation period. This past year over 10,000 more than during the preceding year enthusiastically took up this work. This meant many sacrifices for mothers, fathers, young ones and older folks.”
    Watchtower, February 1. 1969. Page 93-4.

    “They Are Acting on What They Are Learning
    But when they were told about the new six-month Bible-study arrangement, they were visibly touched. Now for the first time a real sense of urgency struck them. They could not bear the thought of having all connections with Jehovah’s people severed. So they sent a letter of withdrawal to the Baptist church because they knew that they were not being taught the Bible’s truth there. They began attending all the Bible meetings of Jehovah’s witnesses and sharing with others the things they learned.”
    Watchtower, June 1. 1969, page 347.

    “What so amazed the onlookers?… It was the sense of urgency that motivates them.
    That sense of urgency stems from the knowledge, gleaned from the Bible, that soon now, not many years hence, Jehovah’s judgment against a wicked system of things on earth will be executed.”
    Watchtower, February 15. 1970, page 121.

    “There is need to participate in that work with a sense of urgency, too, for the end of this wicked system of things is drawing near. The time is short. The harvest is great and the workers are few.”
    Watchtower, July 1. 1973, page 405.

    “They feel a sense of urgency as they talk to people, for they look upon the short time remaining for this system of things as a time of Jehovah’s exercise of patience, knowing that he does not desire the death of anyone.” Watchtower, October 15. 1974, page 631.

    "Working Night and Day" to Make Disciples
    JEHOVAH’S organization works with a sense of urgency. There is a job to get done.”
    Watchtower, Mach 15. 1975, page 177.

    After the 1975 failure the “sense of urgency” was shelved until 1978-79. After 1975 several hundred thousand left the Watchtower Society and the remaining showed a tendency towards leading a normal life. Of course Jehovah's Witnesses can’t be allowed to have a normal life. People living normal lives don’t peddle worthless literature door to door, so here we go again:

    “Many would lose the sense of urgency and fail to keep wide awake. We could easily become fully occupied with the normal pursuits of daily life. Surely in this we must learn how to look at things from Jehovah’s viewpoint and try to appreciate how he counts time, keeping in mind Peter’s words: “But the end of all things has drawn close. Be sound in mind, therefore, and be vigilant with a view to prayers.”—1 Pet. 4:7; 2 Pet. 3:8, 9.”
    Watchtower, April 15. 1979, page 24-5.
    Unbelievable isn’t it? They actually tell the R&F that they shouldn’t under any circumstance, “become fully occupied with the normal pursuits of daily life”. In other words, being normal people isn’t anything for a real Jehovah's Witness.
    It is quite amusing to notice the completely weird argument for this kind of strange thinking and worldview, they are quoting a man who was also waiting in vain for some imaginary deity to perform some imaginary act almost 2000 years ago. The example of Peter does in reality show us how utterly hopeless this whole idea is. But of course, there will probably be a lot of idiots still quoting this same text 2000 years from now, with “a sense of urgency”.

    “Could it be that we are living in a “dream,” asleep to the reality of the changing world scene, perhaps spending too much time and money in pursuit of material interests? Even as a dreamer has no sense of time, have we also lost the sense of urgency of the times in which we are living?”
    Watchtower, March 15. 1979, page 30.

    Jehovah's Witnesses really do live in a dream, totally asleep to the realities of the world scene. The only urgency any Jehovah's Witness should feel is to get out of the weird world they live in, and start getting a life. Now, after the 1914 “rubber band” generation was finally allowed to die, there is a new tendency among the average Jehovah's Witnesses toward living normal lives. After several decades of having stretched the “generation” all the way up to 80 years, Brooklyn is now working extremely hard to convince the Witnesses that whatever the “generation” means it is an extremely short one, again the “end” is very near, and the “sense of urgency” phrase is utilized to its fullest. With all of their “carrots” in the form of some time frame gone, now remains only the “stick” with which the average Witness must be prodded into action and a constant repetition of how “urgent” the “time” is, are used as never before in the Watchtower.

    Of course after all the time on this same poor “spiritual diet” the Witnesses are almost immune to this constant yelling about the “end”, after over 100 years of this, the Watchtower Society continues the mindless tradition of other fundamentalists in repeating the mantra from 2000 years ago about the “end drawing close”.

    “A sense of urgency moves Jehovah’s Witnesses to be zealous in their ministry, as seen in their spending a total of 1,096,065,354 hours in 1994 preaching to their neighbors, making return visits, and conducting 4,701,357 Bible studies.”
    Watchtower, January 1. 1995, page 17,18.
    One can hardly imagine a less productive way to spend ones time. An activity so utterly void of any possible value is difficult to find. Living a life as a victim constantly on the prowl to create and accumulate new victims of the same fraud is indeed tragic.

    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    WHAT is one sure, God-approved way to keep on serving Jehovah whole-souled? It is to have a genuine sense of urgency deep in our hearts. To serve God in a whole-souled manner means to serve him with the whole of our being, and it requires earnest, implicit obedience to everything he asks us to do.” Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 25.

    Yeah sure, “implicit obedience” to a bunch of men who in their own senseless stupidity has gulled you into thinking that “serving Jehovah” is synonymous with peddling totally hopeless literature to an unsuspecting public.

    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    It is difficult, however, to put our heart and soul into our service to God if we do not have a feeling of urgency deep within ourselves or if the sense of urgency we once had has now become dull—perhaps lost altogether. Today, we live in a time of urgency unparalleled by any other period in man’s history.” Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 26.

    According to the Watchtower, when has there NOT been “a time of urgency unparalleled by any other period in man’s history!”? Isn’t this the very same nonsense as Peter was advertising about 2000 years ago?

    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    Some might raise the logical question, Why was a sense of urgency needed back then if the foretold “great tribulation” was centuries away?—Matthew 24:21”
    Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 27.

    Yes indeed, why? And why do you still go on about this nonsense after almost 2000 years? For how many more thousands of years will this stupidity continue before you realize that there is never going to be any “great tribulation”?

    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    Furthermore, he knew that his disciples would themselves benefit spiritually by maintaining a sense of urgency until his return.” Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 27.

    Can you imagine how beneficial it must be to be worked up about the imminence of something that will never come, and which you will never experience? How rewarding it must have been to have lived a lifetime waiting for something that will never materialize?
    To have put off an education, to have put off a career, to have put off pursuing a talent, in short, put off having a life, used your time on endless boring meetings and assemblies, listening to the same hopeless drivel over and over again thousands of times!

    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    The Christian sense of urgency has served Jehovah’s purpose. It has helped Christ’s disciples to carry out the progression of their assignment according to Jehovah’s unerring schedule. And so today, looking back over nearly 2,000 years, we understand that divine schedule more fully.”
    Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 27.

    Incredible. If there is one thing that hits hard and with extreme clarity it is the fact that the Watchtower and the average Jehovah's Witness have absolutely no clue whatsoever about the “divine schedule”! How sad a spectacle this is.

    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    Yes, the God-stimulated sense of urgency had a wonderfully encouraging effect..”
    Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 28.

    Yes, it had a very stimulating effect in 1874, in 1914, in 1925 and 1975, but immediately after these failures it had the opposite effect.

    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    The Lord Jesus said that his disciples would be like “sheep amidst wolves,” and he knew the need for us to keep a determined, fixed view in order to combat the world. Yes, we have been safeguarded, protected by our Christian sense of urgency.—Matthew 10:16.
    Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 28.


    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    Jehovah God in his infinite wisdom has always given his servants enough information for them to keep their sense of urgency alive.” Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 28.

    Good grief. What information? If there is one thing the Watchtower Society has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt, it must be its inability to understand anything related to the Bible. Its total ignorance screams from every page of the Watchtower.

    “Guard Your Sense of Urgency
    Yes, a godly sense of urgency is an integral part of whole-souled service to Jehovah. It wards off and helps thwart the Devil’s attempts to cause God’s servants to “get tired and give out in [their] souls.” (Hebrews 12:3) For all eternity, whole-souled devotion will cause Jehovah’s servants to obey him, but now, in these pre-Armageddon days, a deep, genuine sense of urgency is an essential part of whole-souled devotion. May Jehovah our God help all of us to guard our sense of urgency while we continue to echo the words of the apostle John: “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.”—Revelation 22:20.” Watchtower, October 1. 1995, page 28.

    Godly sense of urgency? What on earth has this got to do with God? And here I thought that thousand years is as one day For God, so how can he possibly have a sense of urgency?

    “A Time to Keep Awake
    The need to keep awake is more critical than it has ever been. Jehovah has revealed to us “the things that must shortly take place,” and we should respond with an absorbing sense of urgency.—Revelation 1:1; 11:18; 16:14, 16.” Watchtower, November 1. 1995, page 20.

    The incredibly silly idea that “keeping awake” includes running around shouting about doom and gloom and yelling about some “end” to be imminent is totally ridiculous. The amazing inability to learn and comprehend the simple fact that something that was declared to “shortly take place” 2000 years ago, and still hasn’t occurred has lost all meaning. It is indeed a great tragedy to watch this total waste of time and energy that is caused by the Brooklyn lead multinational con operation.


  • cellomould

    interesting comments, Norm.

    Some people feeling down need to be encouraged that the 'end is coming soon'; others wouldn't be caught dead in the k.h. if it weren't for that twist of reality.

    This "sense of urgency" tries to collect as many as possible from both sides of the spectrum.

    Another example of emotional pleas which have little basis in objective reasoning.


    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • larc


    Thank you again for a wonderful post.

    Now, take all your essays and put them together in a book, called "Essays from Norm on Jehovah's Witness Foolishness."
    Brother, it will sell and it won't take much to put it together.

    A related subject.

    One thing I like to get people to think about on the subject of urgency is time frames. Russell started this idea, circa 1879 and Armageddon was going to occur in 1914. People tend to think that is a short period of time, because it is history from times past. People should think literally about those times periods. Someone who was 20 when Russell taught that, was 55 when that prophecy failed. Now, that is a long time to live with such a hope, just to see it dashed.

  • ISP

    Norm you bad boy!

    *** w99 7/15 17 Anchored by Hope, Impelled by Love ***
    Today, apostates, who deviate from the truth, verbally beat “the faithful and discreet slave,” in effect biting the hand that had been feeding them spiritually. Some resemble the “evil slave,” implicitly saying, “My master is delaying.” (Matthew 24:44-49; 2 Timothy 4:14, 15) They deny that the end of this wicked system of things is near and criticize the spiritually alert slave class for maintaining a sense of urgency among Jehovah’s people. (Isaiah 1:3) Such apostates succeed in “subverting the faith of some,” inducing spiritual shipwreck.—2 Timothy 2:18.

  • GoldDustWoman

    Thank you, Norm for putting together all those quotes in such a thoughtful essay. I find it interesting how those lil phrases become part of WT speak. For example, an email I received from a JW Aunt referred to her feelings after a recently attended meeting "being refreshed with spiritual food".

    I am grateful that these days the only "sense of urgency" I feel is when it involves normal bodily functions and cravings for chocolate.


  • TR

    Norm, great subject.

    Maybe some of those JW's who lead a "double life" are aware that "a sense of urgency" is a worthless thought and are aware that it interferes with leading a somewhat normal life.

    I've known so many JWs that yearn for normalcy. They endeavor to have hobbies and activities that are generally out of the realm of a "normal" JW life. For instance, my older JW brother, who I perceived as never really being a "spiritual" JW, loves motorcycles. Harleys. Now, what kind of JW is a biker? LOL! Last time I visited,(2000) he was just finishing up a custom built 1340cc Hog. Beautiful Bike! Surely he could have spent the time and money on "Kingdom pursuits"! LOL!


    "YK is his name, false prophecy is his game"

  • Reborn2002

    Wonderful research. Posts like this make me proud.

    Seems that the WTS has promoted a "sense of urgency" for 40 years.

    An entire lifetime of paranoia and anticipating the destruction of mankind sans a few million "prestigious elite blessed to be Jehovah;s Witnesses" is so contradictory of true Christian love that it should make any rational mind detect the lunacy of the doctrine.

    I cant believe I was sucked in to blindly believe such horsesh1t at one point in time.

    Keep the facts coming, the Society shoots itself in the foot time and time again with old prophecies and statements they hope people conveniently forget or are unaware of.

    Denial is such a strong defensive reaction to reality.

    The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites.

    www.geocities.com/latinloverchicago/Jason1.html for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!

  • bluesapphire

    Loved this post, Norm.

    But the fact of the matter is that if there was a "true sense of urgency" the publishers, elders, pioneers and circuit overseers wouldn't have this WASTEFUL stroll as they "urgently" go from door to door LOL.

    As usual, their actions betray the reality. There is not a single witness in "God's Organization" that has a "sense of urgency." They're all just KILLING TIME.

  • bluesapphire

    Hi there Cello!

    Another example of emotional pleas which have little basis in objective reasoning.
    If only more people could remotely understand what "objective reasoning" is. I know I would be less frustrated for sure!
  • proplog2

    You present an excellent case for the similarity between the early Christians and JW's. While JW's may be as ignorant and stupid as the early followers of the Christ Cult the rest of the so-called Christian religions have ignored the doctrine of the nearness of Christs return. In fact they are hypocrites.

    Maybe there is something to the parable of the ten virgins. Some will be prepared for Christs return and some won't.

    JW's are going through the same thing the early christians did after approximately 4 generations of "waiting" in vain. JW's adamantly refuse to talk about the nearness of the end. Instead they declare that the resurrection is the real hope - not living through the Great Tribulation. They self-righteously tell you "We're not serving God for some "date". I like to ask them if Russel, Rutheford, Knorr etc. didn't believe the end was coming in their life-time do you think there would even be an organization of JW's?

    It takes time to grow an organization. If there is a God who wanted some representative group on earth to fullfil those prophecies that refer to "the holy ones" he would need to permeate their hearts with the idea that the end was near. Of course some would be disappointed. There are always causalties with human process because things take time.

    One thing is for sure. Most of us will not die before we discover whether the JW's have "the truth". If they are wrong they will continue to become more and more like any of the other hypocritical religions that claim to follow Christ.

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