Zeitgeist.... Interested to hear your criticisms...
by hotchocolate 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
I have seen the longer version of this. It's very much over-the-top in most areas, so it would be at least a bit over-the-top on religion.
However, it addresses much that is true and involved in whatever started the aChristian religion. It does seem that whenever the temple was destroyed, the people of the Cult of Yahweh had to come up with something completely different. While in Babylon, they put together the myths and the laws to replace the temple as "the word." Similarly, after the temple destruction in 70 AD, various people borrowed from the current popular myths. -
It's a mixture of truth and lies. It has been thoroughly debunked here and elsewhere.
I will give the maker of the film one compliment: It's an interesting and thought-provoking film. Too bad he presents it as non-fiction.
Very, very unreliable.
Leo - or anyone else - whats your thoughts on the works of Joseph Campbell - particularly Hero With A Thousand Faces
I can't say I've read Campbell closely. My impression is that his comparative mythology is aimed at uncovering archetypal mythemes in world folklore and mythology, including narrative tropes. Such work is infinitely more sound than the kind of stuff in Zeitgeist, which is aimed at misrepresenting one particular mythology (Egyptian).
Don't believe them ... it's 99% reliable.
Joseph Campbell is a frickin' genius.
I once watched him lecture (without notes or teleprompter) on a word for word exposition of James Joyce's ULYSSES explaining each and every inference as he went.
His PBS series with Bill Moyers is a must see!
He has a monstrously large intellect and his depth of insight is astounding. (Obviously a hero of mine.)
Don't believe them ... it's 99% reliable.
The dinner you just ate was 99% poop free.
Re: Campbell
I read his Power of Myth. It was outstanding. It's a bit dry, because after all, he was a scholar. Nonetheless, his observations and conclusions are hard to refute. In particular, I was amazed to find out that Judaism was the first large religion where the center of divine worship was male, and not female.
Humanity went downhill after that switch!