Hawkaw/Kent/Dogpatch/Zev...please make this known!! http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=19781&site=3
by OhHappyDay 15 Replies latest jw friends
i'd love to....
is there anyone who can translate this?
http://jornal.publico.pt/publico/2002/01/20/Sociedade/S08.htmlthough i lived in a pourtugese community for almost 19 years....i know very little.
Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 ** -
1st Trial of a German friend:
Protesting Jehovah's Witnesses Ask for Explanations
Sunday, January 20, 2002More than a thousand letters were sent from Spain
In focus is the "hypocrisy" of the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses in relation to the United Nations
Almost 1200 people that participate today in a meeting of elders (locally responsible) of Jehovah's Witnesses received a special letter from Spain this week by internal critics. In it the leadership of this religious group is criticised, with respect to a registration in the United Nations. As PÚBLICO announced in last October, the WBTS, the head organ of JW at world level, was enrolled for 10 years in a departement of the United Nations, an organization that is designated in publications of the group as the "detestable thing" and the "scarlet beast" referred in the biblical book of the Apocalypse (or "Revelation").
The letters sent from Spain - the content of which the PÚBLICO had access to through information that circulates in the internet and whose authenticity was possible to confirm - were directed to elders and "kingdom halls" (local congregation rooms of JW) in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. According to the information gathered, the remittance of the letters was performed by several dozens of people, some of the them also elders, in other words, holders of positions with local responsibility inside of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Among the addressees, are the more than 160 thousand JW, gathered in 2150 congregations, according to the numbers of the "Watchtower", mentioned in the information of this group of critics.
According to the text of the letter, the senders - whose critical voices consider the registration in the UN a "hypocrisy" - ask the elders to inquire from those responsible beeing present at the meeting, why the WBTS didn't inform anybody about the registration in the UN, in any one of the three regular publications - the Watchtower", "Awake" and "Kingdom Ministry" - during the 10 years in that the registration was in effect. They also suggest to ask for the reason, why the countless letters of JW, asking what happened, were replied to with trivial answers, suggesting one should "talk to the local body of elders".
The meeting today is a "school" of elders, in other words, an educational provision for those responsible locally. Basically, all the elders from Germany and some of German speech originating from of Switzerland and of Austria have been called to attend, so that those attending should total between six thousand and nine thousand participants. During the meeting, the participants will hear a succession of speeches, mainly covering juridical subjects. But the senders of the critical letter expect that, in the intervals, some of those attending dare to ask questions to the conductors.
The critics bring to attention, that in the letter that summoned this meeting in Germany, it was said twice that no one must record, in any way, the speeches of the "elder school".
The registration in the Department of Public Information (DPI) of UN was done in 1991, thereby being registered among no-government organizations to collaborate with the United Nations. According to statements made by the spokesperson of JW in Portugal, Pedro Candeias, in October, they were justified "because of being able to help and to defend the human rights in several countries of the world". But as happened, the critics say, just before the publication of the information, the WBTS decided to cancel the registration in the beginning of October. And obviously, those same protesting groups are not satisfied with the explanations given up to now by those responsible.
Thanks again OhHappyDay! - might I suggest that you indicate in the Subject what the reaction is to - that is make it a bit more descriptive to attract attention.
is there a scan available, even in portugese? a scan of the actual newspaper?
i'm getting ready to fire up a new website on the un/wtbts, and anything like this adds to the credibility .
Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 ** -
OHD, thanks for posting this and the translation too. If only the US press would participate in getting this information out.
bluesapphire is correct. Got an idea. Whoever has Steve Bate's email (he's in Britain) let him know about it and ask him how it can be gotten to the AP. Or email Bill Bowen who I know already has contacts with Charles in Paducah who can help get it into the main newspapers in the States.
And this is how it has been done: on German board http://infolink-forum.de a current elder told that he would attend the Kingdom Ministry School,soon. He encouraged to picket this meeting to inform about the WT-UN connection. The idea of picketing was dropped. But soon a new idea was born. The board collected adresses of current elders and Kingdom Halls in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. A German speaking member from Spain suggested to send the letters. The board collected adresses and - money.
And on the campaing went. Hundreds of Elders and Kingdom Halls got a letter explaining the UN connection - and this just before the Kingdom Ministry School.
At the same time there are press releases telling the public about dissidents among JW, about the letter and about the KMS.
There are first reports from elders attending the School on the board that tell that the letters are a major topic among the elders.
Next, week-end there will be more KMS.
A good example what can be achieved.
Thank you German, thank You all.
This is another translation version:Jehovah's Witnesses' Dissidents Want Answers
>by Antonio Marujo
>More than 1,000 letters sent from Spain
>Focus is on the "hypocrisy" of the Jehovah's Witnesses' leadership
>concerning the United Nations Organisation.
>Nearly 1,200 persons participating in a an assembly for Elders (persons
>responsible on a local level) received a letter this week, sent by internal
>dissidents from Spain. It criticizes the leaderships behavior concerning an
>association with the United Nations Organisation. As PÚBLICO reported in
>October last year, the Watchtower-Society (WTS) - the Jehovah's Witnesses'
>worldwide governing instrument - had been incorporated with one of the
>United Nations' departments, an organisation that is called a "disgusting
>thing" and "scarlot-colored beast" in the associations' literature,
>expressions mentioned in the Bible book of Apokalypse (or Revelation).
>The letters sent from Spain - PÚBLICO got familiar with the contents because
>of information circulating via the Internet and that could be proven - were
>adressed to Elders and "Kingdom Halls" (local meeting places of Jehovah's
>Witnesses) in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. According to available
>information sending had been done by some dozens of people inclusive some
>Elders (persons with responsibility on a local level in the Jehovah's
>Witnesses' organisation.
>Among the adressees are the more than 160,000 JW that are organized in 2,150
>congrgations according to official data in the WATCHTOWER magazine that is
>quoted by this dissident group.
>The writers of the letter (who feel that the association with the UNO is
>"hypocisy") ask the Elders to ask the responsible people that will be
>present at the meeting why the WTS has not informed anyone about this
>association with the UNO and why this has not been done by means of regular
>publications (THE WATCHTOWER, AWAKE!, OUR KINGDOM MINISTRY). There was the
>time to do this durin the 10 years of association. They also suggest that it
>is asked why the uncountable letters of JW that asked what's going on have
>always been answered evasively resulting in a "conversation" with the local
>Todays meeting is a "training" for Elders, a further education for the
>local responsible people. Basically, all Elders from Germany and some German
>speaking Elders from Switzerland and Austria will be present. Total
>attendance is estimated 6,000 - 9,000. The frame of the event is a sequence
>of talks, mainly concerning canonical law. But the writers of the letter
>expect that some participant have the courage to demand answers from the
>responsible people.
>The dissidents remind that in the invitation to participate in this meeting
>it is mentioned twice that it is not allowed to tape any talks in this
>"Elders' School".
>The association with the UN's DPI had been done in 1991, so that the WTS was
>among the NGOs that were willing to cooperate with the United Nations.
>According to remarks of the Portuguese JW Press Manager the association had
>been done because by means of this "humanitarian help could be achieved and
>human rights could be defended in several countries". But the dissidents say
>that after only one publication in the media, the WTS decided to resign from
>this association. And it is obvious that this group of dissidents is not
>satisfied with all this explanations that have been presented by the
>responsible people so far.
>_________________________________________________________________ -
Zev, I hope hawk will have the scans within days...
Guys follow what German JW explained about what was done in Germany, get cash and get adresses...get a team...get results...Good Luck