Two ladies knocked on my door

by dgp 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jookbeard

    I had a chat with 2 Dub ladies this week as well, it ended up going on for some time.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Two nice young ladies knocked on my parents door in 1949 - that's why I am in this mess now!


  • goman

    "Bring me more slaves" Watchtower encourages its members.

    Its sad women, mothers and children are also used by Watchtower to fight their "theocratic war" against the world.

    Its only fitting to liberate the meek slaves from Watchtower servitude.

    The truth about task master Watchtower will set J.W. slaves free. Free from major hypocrisy, mental issues, emotional issues, abuses, shunning, ruin, self-destruction, deprivations, etc.

    The truth about Watchtower shall set J.W. slaves free.

  • moshe

    I just met two old ladies and they told me I should stop at your house-

  • flipper

    DGP- I agree with JWOODS- it's the idiots at the top of this religion , er. " mind control cult " I have issues with- so I too feel you handled it as diplomatically and kind as you possibly could have. And even though you accepted her magazines- who knows ? I mean if the old lady calls back you may be able to subtly drop off some hints to her about analyizing her belief system. I just feel sorry for these people as they are so duped, mind controlled and deceived. You know you don't believe in it- so there's no danger of her converting you back ! LOL ! Why not have fun with it and see if you can help this lady think open mindedly ? Take care, good job. Peace out, Mr.Flipper

  • moshe

    Next time , tell them you are a Mormon or better yet, do what I do. Whenever I told a JW the truth, "I'm Jewish", that is an instant conversation stopper. JWs have had zero training in converting Jews or disproving another Christian high control cult-like religion, like Mormonism.

    JW- "so you don't believe in Jesus?" Me- nope, "OK, goodbye", that is pretty much how it goes.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    dgp - I think you did good. It's YOUR consience that matters, not anyone elses....not even the two little old ladies that visited. If you are clear with your consience, then it was a good thing....

  • MrFreeze

    I never heard JW's asking for money at the door. None of the ones I know have the nerve to do that. They usually just place the magazines and go on their way.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    You effectively said to Miz Not So Nice that you had the law written on your heart and that being the case, didn't need religion to tell you what to do.

    You did very well.

  • dgp

    I appreciate the comments, and certainly hope for more.

    For the record, I don't live in the United States and the money I gave is roughly equivalent to forty cents of a dollar. That is right: US$ 0.40. I know for a fact that they spent a lot more than that just in having it distributed from the branch office to the hall. I want to believe the Watchtower lost money in the operation. At least I am absolutely sure that no one will be reading that particular magazine.

    I wonder if Ms. Not So Nice is coming back. I bet she could see she wouldn't get anywhere. Maybe the lady with arthritis will return. I might use the occasion to try to plant seeds of doubt. Perhaps I can ask them the question of how they know that they are in God's organization . From what I have learned both here and reading "Captives of a Concept", that is a hell of a question for a JW.

    I'm also wondering whether I should simply tell them to mark me as hostile or whatever, so the other people living in this home don't get the magazines. These people know where I stand with the WT and why, so I have little doubt that most of them wouldn't bother to take a magazine, but...

    I have to say I understand the comments of well-meaning people who want what is best for me, and I appreciate it. I just couldn't behave otherwise when I saw the poor lady's fingers. I wonder if she can tie her shoelaces with those hands. I bet she can't. The beliefs she holds dear are disease, but she's still my fellow human being, even if she doesn't see me that way.

    I was hoping that the idea that you will still have ethics and morals even if you don't believe there is a God might make them think. Someday.

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