God is perfection, so
all of God's creation is perfect, so
everything in the world is perfect.
T-Rex is dead, so he was not perfect,
otherwise T-Rex would still be alive, so
God did not create T-Rex, because T-Rex is dead,
except, God's creation is perfect, otherwise God would not have created it,
so T-Rex has to have been perfect, except, if T-Rex was perfect, God would have kept him alive to this very day,
except, T-Rex IS dead, so God created something that wasn't perfect and that is why T-Rex is dead, except God only created perfect creatures, or,
He can't be God, if only "some" of his creatures are perfect, so
imperfect creatures who died were not created by God,
so, creatures who replaced imperfect creatures must likewise be imperfect, too-
so, God must have not created imperfect creatures who died out, as God only created perfect creatures, because,
imperfect creatures who died out are not perfect, etc, etc, -