In the time I have spent away I have come to the following conclusions....
A) It is very possible that I am on a rock orbiting a burning mass of gas with a bunch of selfish overly evolved primates.
B) There is just as much a chance that there is no God as there is one.
C) If said God does exist, it is very likely he is ambivalent, indifferent or plain unconcerned about my life and dilemmas.
That being said.... Why do so many people insist or disecting, analyzing, synthesing, and extrapulating such rock solid conclusions from things as suspicious as the bible of all things?
Aren't you just being self-centered and immature? Unable to handle that this universe might be a little more chaos than order and that it might not revolve around the fact that you don't or do watch rated R movies and jerk off?
Just saying...if there is a God (which I would love to believe there is) don't you think he might be telling us something?
Something like, "Lightened up down there, love eachother and try to have a little fun before it's too late?"