I'm gonna bump this thread one more time.
Do You any Witnesses that Just Married Someone Because they Came From A Prestigious Family?
by Pitchess Co-Gen 27 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
OMG, in my mom's circle, the Bethel status of the brother was the most important factor. A Bethelite was a real coup.
It may not be conscious. We all do this. Perhaps some word their intentions more crassly than others.
Also, s.I am attracted to men who complement me but also generally mirror my own values and passions. A woman who was very active would want to find a similar man, regardless of "status" per se.
I desperately wanted to marry a brother who was a player at Bethel when I was very young. My main reason for wanting to go to Bethel was to bypass the KH ones.
As I've aged, I notice that basic moral character means much more to me than it once did.
When I achieved my own independent status, I still wanted to marry status but not as I once did. It remains a man's world, particularly in the Witnesses. Few sisters are allowed to shine. Reflected glory is better than no glory.
After college, I was a Social Security rep in Brooklyn, the very office that would serve Bethel. These women would sometimes come in to file a claim for their husband. Their hubbie's occupation had nothing to do with filing. They would comment that their hubbie was a doctor, lawyer, Indian chief. No other spouses would comment. I felt that they thought they deserved special attention. It was immature but I would respond in a calm voice, "That is very nice but I assume that you are not."
I wonder if even JW women are able to stand more on their own. Many professional women I meet are very attracted to blue collar men.
"Another example is that the witness girl that only date or marries up( Only dates M.S,Elders,ex-bethelites,or pioneers )."
This is actually a borg "Doctrine, (of Men)".
I read it in one of the magazines that a Sister should only marry a Pioneer or an Elder, its probably the first negative and upsetting thing I realised about the borg, that they operate a caste system.
Another of their doctrines of men they printed in the Watchtower was when they said some Witnesses, even Pioneers, where living a secret double life where they would practise such things as accept blood transfusions or Masturbate.
That was great, putting Masturbation in the same category of sin as accepting blood transfusions, so straight away I realisied what an evil hypocrite I was that if I had a child, I would let it die rather than let it have blood, yet couldnt resist the odd five finger shuffle, it was then I realised I wasnt good enough for this religion and so started to disfellowship myself.
I've got news for you. This phenomenon is not limited to Witnesses. I wonder if 71 year-old Pete Rose's 29 year-old fiance is marrying him for his money and celebrity?
Some JW bitch married my brother for his money, convenced him that she showed him love for the first time in his life and then devorced him and took his money, and it was too much for him and he took his own life. trueblue Sorry for the death of your beloved brother. Too hell for that JW bitch sister. I think, she is no different from that infamous jazebel.
Pete rose is marrying her for her mind.
eva luna
Smile, 3rdgen. She is beautiful.
Not that I wouldnt fix a brocken nose or other things. But she looks like she has never nursed a bambini. You've got to earn that silicone.
Prestige is important in any tribe.