Alice doesn't even know who she makes herself of to be. One day its' Rachel from Houston, next day its Alice the Cigarette smoking defender of all things JW, or Confearacy. I'm making a spreadsheet at work right now related to Alice's and Consfearacy's posts to compare similarities and differences. My goal is to predict when she'll show up, and as whom. Kinda like a weatherman, but in this case, I'm studying a split personality nutcase from Houston.
The fundamental flaw with the WTBTS as "God's Organization"?
by Essan 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Alice, you're off topic. This thread isn't about the WTBTS being a "False Prophet", and in any case, their guilt in this regard was proved beyond any reasonable objection in another thread, as you know all too well. I believe you are trolling, posting off-topic in a thread I started about a subject you (as the now banned 'Consfearacy') and I debated at length elsewhere. Are you bored? Is this the only way you can interact with fellow humans? By acting as an irritant? Do you somehow enjoy being destroyed and exposed in debates? "A kiss with a fist is better than none"? LOL. Well, I'll play along, this time.
Why should quoting a second claim by the guilty party- the Society - saying "we're not guilty" be seen as conclusive? It's meaningless. Most guilty people later profess innocence. In this case the False Prophet in question - the Society - totally contradicts themselves, first explicitly saying that failed predictions etc. definitely condemn one as a false prophet and that motive and sincerity are irrelevant, then later in another article they claim the exact opposite. So they can't even keep their own testimony straight! It's ridiculous. Then you selectively quote their contradiction and pretend that this 'proves' they're not guilty? That's laughable. It's a bit like us having a mountain of evidence of guilt (which we do) including their taped voluntary admission of guilt and them later still claiming innocence when it comes to trial and you saying "See, they now say they're innocent! That proves it! Case closed!". LOL. Very silly.
Anyway, if you want to continue this discussion you could always revive the "False Prophets Thread".
But I note you don't address the OP and the concept of proof for the Society/JW's becoming "God's Organization", "chosen" and "appointed" in 1919.
I don't blame you. No JW can prove this claimed "choosing" and "appointment" because it is a baseless myth. Therefore, they have no Scriptural basis for claiming status as "God's Organization".
The main flaw is that the claim is made to prove it is the truth. Here they are.
1. We are the only people doing God's will - proclaiming the Kingdom Good News.
2. Look at the cleaned up lives of our members - real true Christians.
3. Worldwide unity - in thought & purpose.
4. The Big One - Look at our growth, only God's true org could have such growth.
5. We are on the Watch - no one else saw 1914! We are true prophets!
Big problems with this reasoning - growth in other orgs, flip / flops in doctrine, scandals, df love?
So, with that many say - well, this is the closest thing out there and I am sure and confident that Jah is backing them (I hope). Esp, since I am banking and betting with my life (woops - that might be gone due to transplant reversal and blood reversals and quack medicine. Oh well, Jeh will reward me to paradise on earth, (or could it be a secondary heaven or just heaven?) Now, I think I may have a problem! Hum!!!!!! -
you damn skippy on that,
no one else saw 1914
You asked if "Captives of a Concept" says that same thing that you believe about the Society not being "God’s organization."
Yes it does!
In fact it refers to that "fundamental belief" as the only thing that really needs to be known about the Watchtower religion. Among other things the book says this...
"Jehovah’s Witnesses realize that the foundation cornerstone of the Christian religion is that "Jesus is the Christ." What they don’t realize is that the foundation cornerstone of their religion is that "the Watchtower Society is God's organization." Everything always comes back to the question, not "Is Jesus the Christ?" but "Is the Watchtower Society God’s organization?"
"The purpose of this study has been to identify the above 'stone' and then remove it by understanding the Society’s interpretation of Matthew 24:45-47 and then holding them to it while examining the organization’s history that relates to their interpretation."
"Once this is done it destroys the foundation upon which the Watchtower religion rests. Witnesses who are willing to face the result of such an examination are then able to let go of the illusionary concept that has been holding them captive."
Don Cameron
I would agree that this is the big issue. If you are facing a JC on apostasy the big item the elders really want to know above all else -- do you believe this is "god's organization". Many can attest to this.
I personally can as lately as a week ago.
Notice 4.0. This is because the book has been revised to clear up any prior errors and the language has been refined as well.
No. Because the C# has been updated with new features, functions, API's, libraries, etc. The BOOK isn't the 4.0 version of the book, it's about the 4.0 version of C#.
I'm fairly new at this (just escaped recently) but I think this probably easier to do than one might expect...
First, find all the references regarding the "inspection of 1918" (you'll find contradictory information regarding whether the FDS passed/failed this so-called inspection and whether the inspection happened in 1918 or 1919 as well as other fundamental contradictions).
Second, find all the references regarding which publications were being distributed (when Jesus supposedly inspected the org in 1918)... I think you'll find that "The Finished Mystery" will come up as the flavor of the year (more so than any other publication).
Third, show the ridiculously long list of absurd teachings and failed prophecies found in "The Finished Mystery" and ask: "Are we to believe that, out of all the denominations worldwide (in 1918), Jesus picked the one that published this completely fallacious book which bears the logo of a pagan Egyptian god? (having the actual book on hand will help tremendously... I bought one recently for about $138 from the Watchtower Books Store).
Again, I'm new at this so please excuse me if all this sounds too naive...
I nearly did not post a comment, as OUTLAW's last comment is nearly perfect! Oh God, what have we been a part of?
Undoubtly the justification of The Governing Body as prophecised "Fürhers" is the cornerstone of the WTS "theology". From this springs all company regulations, which is given a "biblical notch" to hang justification and authority on. The problem is, you can argue from now on untill Judgement day (which is very very near :), and the jw will still shake his/her head at you. "You just do not understand what's IMPORTANT".
So what IS important to jw's? What was important to you? Does anyone here really remember what was thought and what was felt?
I believe the very problem was, that we could throw responsebility of our own beliefs, thoughts and feelings on the entity called The Watchtower Society. That we lost independance of our soul and spirit and that independance is what we are reclaiming now.
But it is HARD to realize. What shall I do now? How should I think? How should I act? If I am not a jw by nature, what AM I really? What does OTHERS think? Whose expectations must I live up to now?...if living up to expectations at all? Am I displeasing God now? Am I good enough?
THAT doubt is the core of the WTS demon, as I percieve it. Overcome this, and everything else will come along, including the realization of how folly it is to believe, a group of grumpy old male virgins sitting in their offices in NY knows best how to run your life.