Did you ever try any of the awkward, and somewhat creepy suggestions in the KM for Informal Witnessing?

by miseryloveselders 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    The only 'informal' witlessing I did, was as a kid, we'd tape the Craptower and Asleep! magazines to the car windows on our way to the ASSemblies thinking that 'someone just might come into the Troof that way.'

  • brotherdan

    If they were REALLY interested in directing people to God, then why is the Bible never brought up? It's only "our publications"... They are so in love with themselves and what they write!

  • truthseeker

    I used to go out with an early morning car group at 4am and we would visit hospitals and leave literature in the waiting area, visit gas stations and talk to the attendants and leave tracts near ATM machines. It was ridiculous.

    A ministerial servant once told me he heard two pioneer sisters contemplating getting their time in by witnessing at Newark airport for whole days at a time - bizarre.

    We used to do street work at 7am, walking up and down main street giving out magazines to anyone who passed by whether they wanted one or not.

    You would see brothers and sisters standing by themselves, in the freezing cold sometimes, holding up magazines and not saying anything when someone passed by.

  • sir82
    You would see brothers and sisters standing there, in the freezing cold sometimes, holding magazines up and not saying anything when someone passed by.

    We've got one of those.

    About once a week she's out on a bench near the center of downtown. An elderly lady, looks like in her 70's or 80's.

    Just sits there, staring off into space, holding magazines or a tract in a outstretched hand.

    No attempt at eye contact, no attempt to converse, just sits there watching the traffic go by with literature in her hand.

    I figure she is a long-time pioneer and this is about the only way she has left to "get her time in".

  • jam

    someone stated that it wasn,t appropriate to use work time for informal witnessing, stealing time.

    But if someone had a question , it was done at lunch. One coworker became A JW, I never Witness to him

    he said it was my conduct that he notice, not my preaching. The people I remerber that was bold, courageous

    in the witnessing walk A different step, they were Nuts. A friend of my in high school became A Jw after high

    school, she was nuts in school and she became nuttier afterward. My daughter who is A JW, told me, that sister

    walks A different beat, but she is used in assembly parts. There are others I remerber, the ones that use the

    word of God as A sword, all nuts.

  • ziddina

    "and their overly-sincere, mile-wide smiles..."

    Hi, Zoiks!!! Do you mean, like 'Stepford Wives' smiles???



  • steve2

    Creepy is the exact word that comes into my mind as well. Someone once said to me that if a male smiles and strikes up a conversation with another male who is a total stranger there are two possibilities regarding motivation: The smiling male is either gay and on the prowl or a religious nutter out to preach. I would add a third possibility: He could be both.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Oh fuck no! Never! (pardon my french) I admit that I'm kinda shy as it is but I hate stepping on others toes, as it were. People are busy with their lives and don't want to be bothered at a supermarket, gas station, bus station, what have you, by some whiny stranger selling them on a new religious belief. I'd hate that to be done to me. It's stupid. Door to door and telephone were more than enough embarassment for me.


  • Gregor

    My greatest dread when I was an elder was when the "Worldy" memorial day campaign came around. I recall one morning that I actually conducted the meeting for field service. Daily text, go over the "sermon", arrange car groups, etc. then I came up with a really plausible reason (lie) I couldn't join in.

    I personally could not even imagine ambushing people in the cemetary to strike up a "witness". I think it was a subliminal little seed in my brain that later led me to question the whole schmeer.

  • asilentone

    Unfortunately, I did! when I was a teenager and in my early 20's, The KMs was talking about informal witnessing, I took the articles very seriously. I am not going to say what I said. Brainwashing at its finest!

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