Iam happily out for more than a year, my JW wife is basicly out as well - she didnt attend last 2 assemblies and didnt go to a meeting for about 4 months...
My wife´s family is all in and very zealous. When visiting my MIL, we avoid JW issues, but she usually pops up some topic.
Last time she disagred, when I said, that WT encourages shunning within the family. (We live in central Europe, and here really most JW do not shun DF/DA family members, general rule is just to avoid "spiritual discussions" with them)
When I told her, local JW are just not strict in that issue, but WT teaches you should shun even within the family, she said its not possible and I promised I will bring some WT quotations next time.
Since I do not have WT Library in English available, does anybody know about WT quotes, saying you should shun even family member if they are DF / DA?
Thanks for help.