Theocratic Warfare / Lying JWs

by AuntBee 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntBee

    It's one thing to read about this on paper. But it really hits home after you've experienced it numerous times! Just....WOW! This is a real thing, and it's quite startling to find such an abundance of lying in 'the Truth'!! Usually it is about doctrine, just flat out denying that the Org teaches/believes a certain thing, or denying a fact about the history. But i've also experienced some really unnecessary lies, about who they are, their position/relation to the Organization, etc.

    Does this spill over into other parts of the person's life ? Does it increase the practice of lying in general, when the truth is not convenient? To friends? Family? the IRS? -- Or does this stay kind of compartmentalized, in matters related to defending the WT?

  • TheTruthAboutTheTruth

    An elder in my area has lied to the police over a sexual abuse case, he told them there is no cctv in the carpark of the kingdom hall when there is a camera in every angle of the carpark,and they have it recording inside.Obviously he seen something on the tape.The police have been told he is lying so are getting a warrant to search the kh.

  • sir82
    just flat out denying that the Org teaches/believes a certain thing, or denying a fact about the history.

    It might be lying...or it might just be plain ol' ignorance. An awful lot of JWs don't really know what they really believe.

    And if confronted with an "official" teaching that sounds loopy, they'll assume you are making it up and say "Of course we don't teach that."

  • fokyc

    It is so refreshing to hear this from others!

    I always thought the elders and above were paragons of virtue and no lie would ever pass their lips! How wrong I was; In 2005 two elders visited and told me certain things which I was certain were totally wrong; I have now proved that they lied and they are now lying to cover their A***S. They have actually now lied about their own organisation! Nothing is beyond them and because 'they have jehovah's spirit' they will stop at nothing.

    When I downloaded material from and showed them, they said I had fabricated it and anyway jw-media was an apostate website!

  • AuntBee

    Yes, i see what you're saying sir82. I'm sure that is the case many times. It's almost like they're saying - NO, that just can't be, or doesn't sound right, rather than a definitive NO, we DO NOT teach that. There have been a few, though, where i knew they knew.

  • wasblind

    They are practicing theocratic warfare with two different magazines

    one for the public to hook 'em in, and the other for the members

    the ole bait and switch tactic

  • blondie

    According to the WTS it is not lying if the person is not entitled to the truth.

    *** it-2 p. 245 Lie ***While malicious lying is definitely condemned in the Bible, this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it.

  • DaCheech

    my friend has a non-witness brother-in-law.

    his secretary (jw) wanted the employer to lie to her mortgage company about her weekly pay (in order to qualify for mortgage), but had a hard time telling customers/phone callers that he was not available when he requested her say this. she said: "I can't lie to the people on the phone"

  • wasblind

    If your gonna make an investment in something

    you should be told the truth up front. How would any witness feel if they go to

    purchase a high dollar product, and invest in this under false pretense, and when you get this

    product home, you find out it's not what you were told . That's misrepresentation that is

    what the WTS is doing, which to me is considered to be lying.

  • teel

    I've witnessed JWs lying in minor things quite often, and when they were aware I caught them they just said, well, he wasn't entitled to know the truth. I always held that the moral thing to do is shut up then instead of making up stuff. I haven't seen any major lies or tax frauds or such though.

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