freeloaders steeling our tax $$$$$$
by DaCheech 22 Replies latest social current
You either give them money for food & rent, or double the number of prisons and expand the police forces.
Either way, the feds have to pay for those below the poverty line.
Poor people pay a disproportionate share of taxes on tobacco and alcohol, and they buy more lottery tickets.
read good books
The rich don't pay taxes the poor are subsidized and in between sits the oppressed and vanishing middle class. Whenever a politician says tax hikes for the rich he always means tax hikes for the middle class. When the middle class is gone who will pay for the poor, it sure ain't gonna be the rich buddy.
I think I might consider that not enough school taxes are spent on some students..........steeling or stealing?
Good lord. What a bunch of dimwits. You are wasting time on this pittance? Grow up. It's the megalithic corporations like Exxon that are "steeling" from us.
Go Blondie.
This is a hard one for me to explain. There are circumstances that need to be considered. I am one of those people who gets back more than I pay in because of the additional child tax credit. However, we get that credit because we have three disabled people living in our home, my two stepsons and my cousin. So I get a couple of thousand dollars a year from Uncle Sam.
Until four years ago, my cousin was living in a group home and Medicaid was paying $365 a day for him to live there. That's over $130,000 per year. After my uncle died, the group home changed ownership and became a very neglectful, abusive place to live so I had to take him out of there. Also, until seven years ago, my two stepsons were living in a nursing home at over $1,000 per day for the two of them. I don't feel bad about the $2K that Uncle Sam gives me at tax time because I know that I'm saving Medicaid about $500,000 a year.
Considering that I had to quit my job to stay home and take care of the kids when we got custody of the boys and took them out of the nursing home, I have a hard time feeling bad about a $2K tax credit. It's all relative.
In a perfect world, our families would all chip in to cover the cost of the care for these people but we don't live in a perfect world. So I accept the help the government offers.
I don't see myself as a freeloader steeling tax dollars. Quite the opposite, I see myself as someone doing the work to care for my family at home so the taxpayers won't have to pay for their care.
(BTW, we don't get food stamps or other assistance. Although the boys have Medicaid, our private insurance is primary and pretty much pays everything. On average, we spend between $5-6K out of pocket on their care after insurance and Medicaid.)
Oh, and by the way. I don't smoke, I rarely drink, and I don't play the lottery. Also, I homeschool the boys at my own expense although I pay enormous school district income taxes. I've never been arrested and never been in prison. My husband does have a job but doesn't make much. We are frugal and prioritize our spending.
We also involve our children in volunteer work. And my husband helps tutor 2nd-3rd graders after school once a week.
Does that address all of the stereotypes that have been brought up in this post?
You go Ann!! We pay a shit load of taxes, and you know what? I don't feel one ounce of concern that you are getting back more than you paid in. What makes me angry as hell, is that we have roads and bridges and all kinds of infrastructure that needs major attention. Other countries are subsidizing higher education and our kids are falling behind. In the meantime, through loopholes, mega corporations are not paying thier fair share. They have offshore shelters, and special subsidies etc. Exxon made record profits last year, and they paid no taxes. Got BACK millions!!!!! You take the money you get, and I'm betting, you spend it in your community. That stimulates the economy.
I wish you would look in to this stuff with an open mind. Republicans are all about the rich, period. They throw out buzz subjects like abortion, this silly mosque business, illegals,'s all tactics to get you to vote against your own best interests, and continue to make the rich richer. I'm not saying that all Democrats are any better, but those who are better, are democrats or independents. Check out Bernie Sanders, the hardest working man in gov.
My mom told me about an old friend of my sister's who now works in the same retail store my mom works for. This person isn't married, she and her boyfriend have a number of kids between them, and at tax time she claims the kids and gets the EITC. Her boyfriend also claims the kids and gets the same EITC. How do they get away with this?
A number of people are having kids out of wedlock, living like they are married, but choosing not to get married because they can get more assistance from the government if they don't. Is this right?