The greatest lesson that the Watchtower has taught me is to give the love that has been taken from me. Our mother shuns my brother and me to the extreme. Just this morning she told me on the phone from her hospital bed that we will have to learn her diagnosis through the grapevine.
She wasn't always like this. Before she became a jw, she was an awesome person and wonderful mother. So, when it was repeated to me that she said she wished she'd never had children, I didn't take it too personally.
Our "worldly" family is shocked and dismayed, and sometimes I think they doubt my pragmatism. But the fact is that the Watchtower cult took our mother's love from her children. It can't be replaced by anyone or anything.
For the recently ex and exiting jws, I want you to know something. Although our mother's love can't be replaced, it can be replicated. What I don't get from her, I give to others. And I can see my brother, who hasn't been out near as long as I have, is starting to do the same.
So, to all of the young ones that I've gathered under my wing, thank you for allowing me to give what was taken from me. It is a tremendous personal help to me, and the greatest reward is watching you go out and replicate the love that was taken from you.