You mean McCain had to pay her?
Do You Think Sarah Palin Affects The Political Landscape?
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
You mean McCain had to pay her?
No, McCain's wife.
Tee hee hee hee.
See if she will go out and campaign for someone for Free.
I believe she does, and unless I am mistaken, she is well north of 50/50. What actually makes her endorsement record impressive is that she usually endorses long shot candidates.
In my home state:
Minimus, you now have less than -32000 posts. There may be some binary weirdness going on in this here board.
She know how to present herself, what her niche is, and she is pretty. All of these things have brought her to where she is at, but I dont think she will be able to pull off an election.
She is bad off the cuff....can't think quick enough on her feet(to appear to be a smooth politician), and while men's looks have helped get them elected,(ex,..Kennedy) not enough men will vote for a women on looks alone.
my 0.02 cents
So what scares the liberal left? Sarah Palin. Why? When she believes in a candidate, she will compaign for them and usually gets them elected and doesn't worry about the money. She is a no-nonsense get-in-done girl which I find refreshing, but many people are more comfortable with politics as usual.
Many people are tired of the smooth politicians who can read off a teleprompter when people ask questions that are rehearsed and give answers that are rehearsed. Granted off-the-cuff is is a very dangerous approach -- a thing that most professional politicians would avoid like the plague.
Yeah...sure Palin really scares a party of political hacks... She cares about money just like any other politician but she's as believable as the Easter Bunny. She's a quitter. Good thing she didn't become VP....or that space might have been empty when she walked out on it. Why would anyone want a quitter on their side? It isn't the old 'soccer mom' slogan that works for real people concerned about real politics and the future of their country - it's the 'when the going gets tough, I'll be there for you and be tougher' statement that shows character. She didn't have what it took so she bailed - there's a segment of the population that adore her 'down homeyness' but then again, a lot of people flocked to Joe the Plumber for the 'real American' he portrayed.
Palin I think is at the MLK rally with Glen Beck - trying to bring back honor to America or something. Two attention hounds ...what can be said? Palin affects the political landscape only for those who hear the same voices she does...and these days even McCain ain't dumb enough to listen. sammieswife
The Sarah never does Freebies.
She's a practiced charmer, hold on to your wallets and checkbooks.
I will now shoot Wolves from a Cessna..............
Yes. For those who prefer style over substance, she's the perfect echo chamber.
There's not much difference between hiding behind Tweeting, spraying inane comments while not taking Q & A and shooting wolves from a plane.
Yes. For those who prefer style over substance, he's the perfect echo chamber.