I have been watching Jerry Springer's Baggage Game TV show from time to time. I decided to play the game here on JWN. Here is my baggage, I always like to sleep alone. Whats yours? Come on!
I have a baggage! Whats yours?
by asilentone 15 Replies latest jw friends
I am going to sign off for now. I will check for your baggages later.
Okay, I'll bite, dear ASO (peace to you!)... since it's so slow here at work:
Mine is sometimes being overly concerned about "stumbling" someone. Omigosh... the coniptions my spirit used to go through! But I asked for help so that I could do my "work." I received from my Lord the following wonderful reminders:
The first is that, like the little children in the market place, some will be stumbled, no matter what you say or do... or don't say/do. They will neither dance when you play the flute nor cry when you play a dirge. Second, if they are easily stumbled it is something that lies within them; but those who build their "house" on the "rock-mass" (of faith in him) are never easily stumbled. Third, some were even "stumbled" by what he said and did... or didn't say/do, too. Indeed, he is the "stone" that Israel stumbled over. Finally, a slave is not greater than his master. If they stumbled over him... they will most probably stumble over his servants as well.
Other than that, I have to say I pretty much have some of the same "baggage" as others growing up in this great country, during the time I did and under the circumstances I did. I've tried to throw off most of it, including ALL of the WTBTS "stuff." Too weighty and I like the very, very light "feel"... of freedom.
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,
I hate Jerry Springer.
I hate Jerry Springer.
The show... the man... or both, dear Leolaia (peace to you!)? Personally, I HATE the show... and don't have a lot of respect (well, actually none, really) for the man who would make his living (fortune) using such a method. Talk about exploitation of, well, everything that's disturbing, seedy, disgusting... and just downright pitiful. No shame or wherewithall, he, his staff, the network, producers, advertisers... and certainly not the "guests." None whatsoever.
"Downright triflin'" is what we used to call pretty much all of 'em...
Anyway, peace to you!
SA, on her own...
Well, that is a short-cut way of saying (akin to "I hate Justin Bieber" or "I hate Jane Austin") that I hate pretty much anything he has done and I feel like turning the channel if I see his mug on TV. My feelings are pretty much like yours. But I don't personally loathe him as I would if he had personally violated me or something like that.
Hi Asilentone,
Mine is that I enjoy the peace of sitting on the toilet for 15 minutes and reading the paper so that I wont be disturbed! Even if I dont need to actually need to go to the toilet I still head in there for some peace and quiet!
Cheers, mattieu (dont stress, despite having wireless internet I am not typing this on the can.......... now theres an idea.....)
I like to climb in the windows and beat hell out of people who sleep alone.
Hmmm, hope that doesnt include toilet windows.....
Broken Promises
LOL @ Beks