Blood Fractions

by 98 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • eyeuse2badub

    It’s clearly hypocrisy 101 with the wt when it comes to giving or donating blood. Every time a jw has blood drawn at a lab or doctor’s office, they violate “god’s law” on “the “misuse” of blood. Blood drawn at a lab or doctor’s office is purely an attempt by the medical profession to help diagnosis a medical condition for either prevention or detection of a medical condition.

    What happens to that blood after it is has served its purpose? Is it poured out on the ground? Is it offered as a blood sacrifice to jehober? What say ye watchtower?

    just saying!

  • label licker
    label licker

    If I needed a rib (which produces red blood cells for life = blood transfusion) put into me or anything for that matter, what would be the difference if god put it in or man? Since god did it with Eve from Adam then why couldn't a surgeon follow by example and be able to do the same? Namely saving a life. God didn't have to use the rib, he could make anything out of nothing (dust) yet here he was showing how precious life truly is by making Eve out of that blood infused rib. First blood transfusion recorded in the bible.

    I wasn't going to argue with a surgeon or my oncologists thinking I knew more than these specialists who went to school to get an education. What do I know? Why would I make their jobs harder than need be? If you feel this way then stay away from doctors and hospitals. You think you know more than the educated yet your religion tells others not to pursue an education. None of your leaders have an education and admit they are not guided by holy spirit. How in the world can you let yourself be guided by blind guides who keep changing their policies???

    Please do your research first on the imperfect men that make these unscriptural rules up, then on the history of where they came from. Your on the right path being here. Everyone here are here for you if you have any questions you would like answered. It's always good to look at both sides of the coin. Don't be shy in asking. Some of us are hurt and trying to heal so don't take it personal if we come off rather harsh. I know I did. I just finished watching the show Apostacy and every last bit of it was true. You can watch it on 123 Movies. Go to search and punch in Apostacy.

    Wish you the best, my friend and by the way, I lost my brother when he was eleven and I was ten due to their no blood policy. A few years later my mother took her life on the very same day my brother had died. She couldn't live with what she had allowed. Fifty years later if she were a live, I wonder what she would think of the religion that let her down. No one supported us at all in our darkest hour back then. The org is blood guilty on so many levels due to their flawed thinking. And now I go through a tragic experience myself and when I called out for support from my family there was nothing. And these are christians????

  • Finkelstein

    The org is blood guilty on so many levels

    On a misinterpretation of an ancient Hebraic dietary law

    A couple of men playing with the power of god running their own publishing house which 95 % of the time were full of delusional shit.

    Only trouble could come out that and it did.

    Thousands of needless deaths, men, women and children

    Men who claim their god's channel here on earth need to be watched carefully. .

  • jehovaxx

    I thought there was going to be new light on blood at this AGM? Nothing at all, maybe these 2 new bros were needed to get majority vote?

  • DesirousOfChange
    I thought there was going to be new light on blood at this AGM?

    Seems to me the blood transfusion issue has been added to the WT's "Don't ask. Don't tell." list.

    If it becomes known that an active (adult) JW has accepted a blood transfusion, said "sinner" need only repent that it was done in a "weakened" state of fear and anxiety and that they would NEVER do such a thing again (or at least not until they needed another transfusion to survive).

  • blondie

    Some jws when calling WTS headquarters regarding transfusion policies have found there are invisible policies that are more allowing but not in! One elder was stunned and realized that jws had died not knowing this invisible policy. No I will not give the details, I am sure they have changed. BTW, look up info on the use of hemoglobin-based products in the Watchtower Online Library if it won't trigger you. (The WTS makes this a long "medical" discussion but I put the comments that directly quote their reason for changing this to a conscientious matter rather df'ing)

    August 2006 Awake p.10-12

    What Are Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers?

    Note that this is made from human or bovine red blood cells. Then the WTS says it is processed changing into some other than the original hemoglobin. But is that true, can blood be modified and acceptable. The WTS considers it another type of blood fraction. But says using it is a conscience matter (but in reality saying the WTS would not choose to take it which would cause many jws to reject it)

    Some manufacturers now process hemoglobin, releasing it from human or bovine red blood cells. The extracted hemoglobin is then filtered to remove impurities, chemically modified and purified, mixed with a solution, and packaged. The end product​—not yet approved for use in most lands—​is called a hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier, or HBOC. Since the heme is responsible for the rich red color of blood, a unit of HBOC looks just like a unit of red blood cells, the primary component from which it is taken...

    As long as the HBOC is derived from blood, there are two objections that may be raised. One, the HBOC carries out the key function of a primary component of blood, the red cells. Two, hemoglobin, from which the HBOC is derived, makes up a significant portion of that component...

    Unlike red blood cells, which must be refrigerated and discarded after a few weeks, the HBOC can be stored at room temperature and used months later. And since the cell membrane with its unique antigens is gone, severe reactions due to mismatched blood types pose no threat.

    However, compared with other blood fractions, the HBOC presents more challenges to conscientious Christians, who seek to obey God’s law on blood. Why? As long as the HBOC is derived from blood, there are two objections that may be raised. One, the HBOC carries out the key function of a primary component of blood, the red cells. Two, hemoglobin, from which the HBOC is derived, makes up a significant portion of that component. Regarding this and similar products, then, Christians face a very serious decision. They must carefully and prayerfully meditate on Bible principles concerning the sacredness of blood. With a keen desire to maintain a good relationship with Jehovah, each must be guided by his Bible-trained conscience.​—Galatians 6:5.

  • Rattigan350

    I don't think any of you know what you are talking about here.

    While the Law is not in force today, we learn from it's reasons.

    Lev 17:10-11

    “‘If any man of the house of Israel or any foreigner who is residing in your midst eats any sort of blood, I will certainly set my face against the one who is eating the blood, and I will cut him off from among his people. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have given it on the altar for you to make atonement for yourselves, because it is the blood that makes atonement by means of the life in it.  That is why I have said to the Israelites: “None of you should eat blood, and no foreigner who is residing in your midst should eat blood.”

    We are not in the house of Israel or residing in it's midst.

    Life of the flesh is in the blood

    Blood was to be used on the altar for atonement. Only dead animals were used for atonement, not live ones. They didn't take the blood from live animals and use it for sacrifices as that would not be a sacrifice. The blood of dead animals was used and the life was in the blood because that blood represented the life lost.

    So, taking the blood from a live human, it can not be said that the life is in the blood because no life was lost.

    So, any fractions or transfusions is not in violation of the Law because no life is lost as life is not in the blood so blood does not represent life.

  • DesirousOfChange
  • blondie

    I don't either give a shit, I am educated to the WTS semantics, but I worry about other jws or ex-jws don't realize that the WTS has covered legally its ass, by giving the ambiguous response above. Something to share with people open to a "new thought" from the WTS. I sometimes do a quote, because some people are triggered by linking to the Watchtower Online Library.

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