Zolks, there's nothing wrong with thinking for oneself and voting accordingly. I never vote a straight ticket. I always research each candidate and then vote for the candidate I think is best for the job. If you register as an Independent, you have no commitment to any party.
Liberal or Conservative?
by alice.in.wonderland 22 Replies latest social current
Believe Out Loud | HoustonBelief
You no doubt have a Church of your own in Missouri City; but, sometime when you are visiting your Grandparents, I would invite you to visit the 11:00 Sunday Mass at St Anne’s—the liturgy is inspiring, the architecture is comfortable, and the people there are wonderful. (I always sit in the pew behind the St Paul Pier on the Westheimer side of the altar, although I am sick right now and not always there.) I am a very Traditional Catholic; but, as well as Traditionalists, the congregation includes a mixture of Progressives, who run the place—all of us drawn from a diverse population that are attracted to the Church, both from within the parish situated in River Oaks and from surrounding areas, plus all over the city. Nobody cares whether you are rich or poor. I see a lot of young people going to Communion every Sunday and am reassured that the Church has a future. Posted by Paul59
I am a Traditionalist Catholic myself (TradCath). But I go to a traditionalist parish, one that uses the Tridentine Rite and is staffed by the FSSP. The Progressives in the Church annoy me.
I always sit close to the ambo so that I can hear. (I'm hard of hearing and we have no amplification.)
Tell Paul59 this and, if he wishes to chat, I'll send him my email.
*edited to add:
My parish is almost all 40-somethings like my husband and I with children. 90% of the parishioners with children homeschool, and almost all of the parishioners have children. Very young, vibrant parish and very encouraging for the future of the Church.
I have to drive 45 minutes and pass 7 Catholic churches to get to my parish. It is really worth the trip.