What do Scientologist believe in? Are they atheists?
Let's settle this for once and for all...... is atheism a belief, a non-belief or an anti-belief?
by Quillsky 243 Replies latest jw friends
Bit of a late bump to this thread but I came across the BBC mini-site on Atheism (curiously categorised under religion). I wanted to share the link simply because so many posters here have insisted that my definition of atheism - absence of belief in god - is not the commonly accepted one that atheists believe god does not exist.
"Atheism is the absence of belief in any Gods or spiritual beings. The word Atheism comes from a, meaning without, and theism meaning belief in god or gods." BBC
Good enough for me . . .
What do Scientologist believe in? Are they atheists?
Interesting question. My uneducated view is that Scientologists believe in an alien invader higher power (Thetans) and that's where it stops.
I believe that atheism is a belief in the non-belief of the belief in god or gods.