I wonder who owned the pigs? Did jesus really trash the guys flock lol
SERIOUS QUESTION: just how many demons will fit inside a person?
by Terry 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I like the part where the big bad wolf huffed and puffed and blew the little pigs house.....wait..never mind.....that's another fairy tale.
That's like asking "How many personalities can someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder can have?"
I asked. He's still thinking.
Gromit - That is a very good question that you ask. That poor swineherder lost a hell of a lot on that day. It's a pity that no mention is made of recompense at all.
The area of land where this incident is depicted as taking place was called "Gerasenes." Gerasenes was a Gentile-dominated area, which is important to consider when you realize that swineherding was forbidden to Jews. Therefore, there might be a little ironic humor associated with this story.
People should ask themselves when this story was written. What were the social tensions of that era. The people who wrote the Bible - no who they were and when they wrote - always wrote under social conditions that were relevant to their era, not our era. I believe that this story was written at a time of growing socio-religious tensions between Jews, "Jewish Christians" [who had been circumcised], and "Gentile Christians" who had previously been "pagans" who worshipped other gods.
Many people don't realize just how much humor, punning, and irony can be found in the Biblle. For example, the story of Jonah and the fish is ironic from beginning to end. People don't realize that ancient Hebrew had two genders, and that the gender of the fish in this story changes in the middle of the story. Also, when commanded by God to go to Ninevah, Jonah heads in the opposite direction - toward Spain! Basically, Jonah does not like the people of Ninevah,and he makes no secret of it. The story is also odd because it describes a Ninevah that had existed hundreds of years before Jonah's day.
A question that comes to mind is: Why did Jesus not choose some other unclean creature? There were many after all from which he could have had his pick - gnats and frogs are two that come to my mind. By choosing frogs, Jesus could have "bound" [the word excorcism implies binding the unclean spirit to do the will of the exorcist] the unclean spirit, without causing some poor schmuck to lose everything.
As regards the original question of how many demons can fit inside a person, [for those who believe in the idea of "possession" at all] there is a theory that demons do not actually enter a person at all. Instead, they gain power over a person to the point where they can manipulate a person and mmanifest themselves through the possessed person.
Best regards,
Terry, I'll bite... (you make me want to study my bible better!)
I kinda like GromitSK takes. Didn't think of the owner of the pigs... I suppose better pigs or loss of livestock then the loss of a human being to demons.
I have also read that legions of angels are watching over us. Similar concept I would think.
In reading some beginner theological concepts and listening to some speakers I have learned that time does not exist. We only have NOW. We never experience yesterday nor tomorrow. We have memories of the past and plans for the future... but really all we ever know is this current moment in time... which, if carefully thought about, does time then exist? Or is it simply a way for us to file and compute our life - to make sense of it?
In a philosophy class I learned about a philosopher, that I can't remember his name for the life of me, who in a similar manner questioned the reality of space. He said something to the effect of distance can always be divided in half, and so you should always be able to divide an area... mathematically we can continue to divide and divide: we get into negative numbers: however when it comes to physically going half the distance, and half of that distance, and half of that... so on and so forth... there comes a point when the only distance is standing still and you can no longer cut it in half. You can only cut a pie in half only so many times before it disappears into our bellies. [I'm not sure if I'm expressing this guy correctly, I don't even remember his name...]
As a result: these things bring into question: do time and space exist? Plato gave us the Allegory of The Cave. [The story goes something similar to this: There are children tied up inside a cave facing a wall of the cave. Behind them is the entrance/exit of the cave and behind the entrance are people carrying objects and behind them a fire. The fire casts shadows of the people onto the wall. All the children see or know are the shadows of the people and objects that are cast by the fire behind them. The children think that these shadows ARE the people and objects themselves. Finally they are set free: they now see the actual people and objects (not just the shadows) and they are in shock of reality. And having been in a cave the light of the fire and light of day are overpowering. It turns out the children had no idea of what was real due to their limited capacity to see and learn.] There are pop-movies like the Matrix and Inception that also show pseudo worlds. The Matrix was the whole world complete with things as large as continents and seas and people were connected/wired up to see and experience the same places and things. None of it took up any actual space. Inception shows dreams within dreams, worlds within worlds. None of them taking up any actual space: only a person's imagination to create a whole world. These movies remind me of the children in the caves with their conceptions of what is real and waking up is like walking out of the cave.
All this said: if time and space do not exist except for us to categorize our lives and have understanding with a sequence of events... it could be our matrix made up for us. Thus said: none of it REALLY takes up any space except what our minds imagine and project... And so: to bring this to relevance to the topic at hand of how many demons can fit in a person or pigs here are a few correlations: Our world and reality in the Gospels is to our world and simulated reality in the Matrix as to the dream state in Inception. Jesus is to the Gospels as Neo (Keanu Reeves Character) is to the Matrix and as Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio's Character) is in the dream world. And the demons in the Gospels are like the Agents in the Matrix and like Mal (Cobb's wife) in Inception.
Thus: There can be a ton of demons in one person or in the pigs...
ha ha: I have to laugh at myself because I don't know if ending an answer with pop-movies like the Matrix and Inception is a way to answer a serious question... oh well. I like stories.
A spirit has no mass. Its spirit. A thought is powerfull enough to create an entire universe in your mind. Spirit is a self thinking thought. Whoa, Im keeping that one!
They dont argue and have a seniority system like you would imagine. More like jackals in a pack. Theres an alfa male and everyone else down the pecking order. Some subserviant like what some uneducated people think a woman should be. And the whole things a feeding frenzy and rape in your mind. You are capable of superhuman strength when your mind has the will to controll the body. Men who can stand freezing temps immerced in ice for hours. With no body core heat loss. Thats what a mere modern man is capable of. You are not your body. Your body is a mere vessel for your spirit. Well guess what? The demons have billions of years of practice in bodies. They can do things to your body you could never attempt.
They want to drown swine when cast out because... One, they dont want to be in swine. Thats like going from a ferrari to the back of a snail in your garden. Two, It feels good to kill yourself as a demon. Theres a saying that reads "Nothing can be too disgusting. Nothing can be too pleasurable.". Are you willing to face the extremes? Can you take it that far? Well, a demon can. He knows he gets to go home when he dies. When there was no man on earth they used to love going into the Dino's. Sometimes being the trex and tasting flesh. And sometimes they would be the prey and feel thier flesh being torn from thier bodies as they feel the pain and watch before the lights finally go out. Oh, that feels sooo good!
They are only trapped if the God of the demons wont let them back in the gate to hell. And no this isnt hell where you go burn. Its another level of reality that we can see. The angels and Jesus are all on a level in heaven. Its the top. The origination of the big bang. The demons are between us.
The must be foot demons, hand demons, leg demons, etc. They each get their own body part. There is no chain of command. They just cause random movements that look strangely like epilepsy.
Gosh, can you imagine how bad it would be to be the asshole demon? What a shitty existence.
sooner7nc that's really funny.