Thanks LostGeneration. Funny you say about the phobia thing... i have had therapy in the last 3 years for OCD, or obsessive compulsive thinking... one major issue of mine being that of ill health and death (morbid i know).. granted i dont believe every witness is this way, my mother probably did not help my fears for one reason or another, but being raised a witness has always made me question whether my already fragile make up as a child was not nourished in the best of ways...
I see my little girls fears already being like my own at her age... now i am DESPERATE for her to not grow up obsessed with the fear of dying etc.. Im desperate to nourish her in the best possible way without making her fearful all her life.. No joke i have wasted the last 16 years of my life worrying about such morbid issues...
Funny how only recently (whether helped by my therapy, or my release from the 'organisation') have i started to realise that 'shit happens' but life is for living and we have to make the best of what we have, and try our bests to instill good morals into our children, and keep there little brains ticking realistically but happily.. (if ya get me)lol