Restore Honor Rally in DC --did anyone here attend?

by Ri 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs


    Many of the trade unions experienced 50% unemployment in this recession. Helping these highly skilled workers is important, these are lifelong career jobs. The private sector, contractors who are signator with a union and manufacturers who contract with unions, are the one's who hire not the unions themselves.

    Much of the work to be done in the green industries, solar wind thermal, will be done by union workers or prevailing wage earners on the large utility scale projects. Its important that the Administration and the States offer grants to retrain union members and anyone who wishes to be certified in these skills.I will be teaching a four year degree course beginning this Fall with one of the national unions. Just like the GI Bill was a success and was repaid to the Government many times over with a skilled work force, the new green jobs bill will be a big step out of this recession and it will offer returning military personnell a great opportunity to have well paying jobs.

    Let Beck put on his Tooto and cheer for that.

  • Ri

    Cap and trade will only benifit Obama and his favored UNIONS...Al Gore has already made millions with the "Global Warming nonsense"

    Cap and trade will destroy many companies and then our careful of wolves in sheeps clothing.

  • Ri

    A black mans view "Chocolatechip in a large Sugar Cookie" The message I took away is that we cannot continue to pick at the scab of America's past but must become the balm that heals it. That's the way forward—arm in arm, moving together, toward a better future.

    Standing in a crowd that stretched from the Washington Monument to Lincoln Memorial what happened on 8/28 was the most inspirational thing I had ever experienced.

    Standing there, unhyphenated and united, this black man has never felt more free in his life.

  • BizzyBee
    A "Chocolatechip in a large Sugar Cookie"

    ONE black guy went to Beck's rally? And his article reeks of made-up encounters - he knows his audience well. No lie is too big.

    But he does give the lie to this being a non-political event when he explains why he went:

    "Like most Americans, I've had enough with this administration's policies. I was fed up and fired up."

  • BizzyBee

    Speaking of lies:

    Glenn Beck Admits Lying: 'I Thought It Would Be A Little Easier'

    After being called on a white lie he told during his Restoring Honor rally, Glenn Beck admitted Thursday that he stretched the truth because he "thought it would be a little easier."

    Beck had claimed that he held George Washington's handwritten first Inaugural Address in his hands at the National Archives, but a spokeswoman at the institution said he did no such thing. Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and others called him out for the fabrication.

    Thursday on his radio show, Beck copped to the lie.

    "I thought it would be a little easier in the speech," Beck said, than to go into the following elaborate explanation (via Mediaite):

    Yesterday I went to the National Archives, and they opened up the vault, and they put on their gloves and then they put it on a tray. They wheeled it over and it's all in this hard plastic and you're sitting down at a table and you can't, because of Sandy Berger, I had a long conversation with him about this, you can't actually touch any of the documents, these are very very rare. So what they do, they have it in this plastic thing and they hold them right in front of you, you can't touch them but then you can say 'can you turn it over,' and then they turn it over for you and then you look at it. I thought it was a little clumsy to explain it that way.

    Restoring honor by lying. Couldn't he have just said, "they showed it to me"?

    Another gem:

    Glenn Beck, speaking on Friday at the Kennedy Center: "We are 12 hours away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

    Sarah Palin, speaking Saturday at the Beck rally: "We must not fundamentally transform America, as some would want."

  • sammielee24

    Obama has put us deeper in debt and only the UNIONS are rich. WITH our hard earned money I might add.


    I'll give you a pass because you are either uneducated or immature. You could be posting from your mother's computer on the sly for all I know - but one thing is certain, is that your an uninformed Beckophile. sammieswife

  • BurnTheShips
    Speaking of lies:

    Oh you gotta be kidding me on the Washington document thing. Are you serious? Is that the best you've got?

    ONE black guy went to Beck's rally?

    Yeah. Only one.


  • sammielee24

    From one of Becks rants - sounds a great deal like the WTS now doesn't it? sammieswife


    "Let me ask you, there was a time not long ago in this country we walked you through walls of fire to make sure we weren't funding Hamas or Hezbollah. I have news for you. There are a lot of universities that are as dangerous with the indoctrination of the children as terrorists are in Iran or North Korea," said Beck.

    It's doubtful that Beck was referring to his own university as a potentially dangerous one. But many educators might.

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