so a few months ago i went with my family to meet for field service (ugh i hate it!!!). So while we were meeting for service, an elders' wife began to talk about the 'great' spiritual food the FDS had gave us at the recent DC. She went on to say regarding info that the FDS gives out "we have to follow it,even if we dont understand it, even if we dont agree with it. It means our life.) The sad thing is, everyone in the service group agreed with her!!!!! I was was like OMG CULT MENTALITY!!!! Sad. Cant waut til im old enough to leave. Til then, acting time.
scary statement made by elders' wife
by shadowolf 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Following the FDS when you don't understand why and even when you don't agree with it---because it means "your life"?
What is so good about that "life" and what is that "life" even worth when you are not allowed to speak or show kindness to your own loved ones because of WT edicts of shunning? What happiness can there be in that "life" when you watch your loved ones die for lack of blood or medicine because WT says you can't have it?
A life of obedience to FDS at the price of sacrificing your loved ones and your own divinely given capabilities of intelligence and curiousity, ---what kind of miserable life is that?
If only you can get them to see it that way and to begin to question the dictates being put on them. Sometimes just putting your views in question form may get them to think a little bit deeper. Any way that you can make them actually think and reason to come up with an answer instead of just quoting WT dogma is an accomplishment.
How old are you shadowolf ?PM me I may be able to advise u a little if youd like I started fading at 15
That's how those folks at Jonestown probably felt just before they drunk the kool-aid
they didn't understand it ,but they had to drink it.
"we have to follow it,even if we dont understand it, even if we dont agree with it. It means our life."
She might as well have added,
"Hallowed are the FDS"
The FDS has just as much spiritual authority as the fictional Ori did!
It's all made up and then imposed upon their followers.
FDS is "strange fire".
And you know what happens to those who offer "strange fire".
err im young so im not sure what ori and stange fire are
I've never heard those expressions before, but I suspect that they came from "Dune"????
Ziddina, no that was from the Stargate TV series. The Ori were a highly evolved race of beings that never moved on to Ascension, or evolving into pure energy beings. They drew their power from the worship of lower races and also had very advanced technology, being around so long.
Dune had the bene gesserit order of women with mystical abilities that are passed down genetically and cultivated through training.
The worm is the spice... The spice is the worm...
I am the Kwisatz Haderach.