All the accusations- and no SHOCKING!

by theMadJW 334 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-witness

    With your questions at the beginning of the thread, you indicate the unholiness and outright apostasy of WTBS.

    You answered all of your own questions, indicating that Jehovah's Witnesses are no different than other religions.
    YET - Your church (since you're like all other religions, we'll just call it that) PROCLAIMS they are the ONLY TRUE religions, just like all others.

    IF there is a god (which I find no evidence to support such a wild theory), Jehovah's Witnesses SHOULD be the first group destroyed in Armageddon. (I'll be there, roasting marshmellows over the rubble of 25 Columbia Heights.)

  • theMadJW

    Essan- your delusions about me warm my heart!

    Just WHAT did you "wake up" to?

    The Trinity, Hellfire, pretend Christianity?

    Or just throw the Bible out the window?

    Such PATHETIC excuses! SERIUOSLY!

  • theMadJW

    www.theMadJws,com awaits you! heh

  • theMadJW

    "With your questions at the beginning of the thread, you indicate the unholiness and outright apostasy of WTBS."

    Mad: Whaaaaa-? Are you just learning to read English, and still think in Martianese?

  • theMadJW

    "IF there is a god (which I find no evidence to support such a wild theory)..."

    Whoop! Whoop! Coprolite Alert!

    No evidence? Such Proud Ignorance!

    Life designed for the Ecosystem, endless cells working together in amazingly complex ways to perform orchastrated functions toghether- and you see NO evidence??????

    You are making it VERY difficult for me to avoid using insuting terms!

    I suppose you don't even know what Science itself calls the "Most Complex Mechanism in the Universe"?

  • sabastious

    ^ I don't think he is referring to no evidence for a "creator" but rather a "creator who gives a shit."


  • theMadJW

    That is ALMOST as ignorant, Sab....ever thought about the WAY we were designed? THAT is a Starting Point!

  • wasblind

    " You're Mad, and your brain is already thoroughly stamped with your own particular brand of crazy, so the Society can't get real purchase on you to fully imprint their own. You are drinking your own home-brew koolaid. LOL"

    Ha hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa Whew!!!!!!!!

  • theMadJW

    Glad you're as entertained as I, IsBlind!

  • wasblind

    Believe me ,I am entertained

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