Just to bring this post back up to the top.
The suggestions for survey forms - I dare the WTBTS to ever do this!!! They are in utter fear of the real way that the flock feels!
Honorable ways to leave the org - no questions asked - no questions asked.
Also, unannounced visits of Cos or DOs to the KHalls - a rating system of the cong - elders - 2 strikes and your out.
Paying a maintainence or cleaning company for upkeep & cleaning of KHalls and Assembly Halls - stop the free labor.
Acknowledge women as teachers - Paul told Timothy that women were teachers - esp. to other women!
Bethel speakers can not accept money from the flock. What no green handshakes, dinners, booze, perks, airmiles, trips?
CO expenses - all paid for from headqtrs - not local cong or circuits.
Finally, let pubs send in articles to be published - their research and thought process would bring refreshment to all, instead of the stale old party line.