For believers, how does God discipline those he loves?

by journey-on 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    Shelby, the words you gave me were just what I needed.

    But, as with any training regiment discipline can be HARD. It can require getting up when one doesn't want to... running when one is tired (and in freezing, pouring rain)... learning to live on next to nothing because rations are low, walking through waist high "muck"... while carrying a 100-lb. "kit" on your back. Sometimes, the kit AND your fellow journeyer. That stuff can be HARD.
    And NO discipline is joyous, but grievous. However, one can make such training/discipline EASIER... by joinging CHRIST... and becoming "yoked" to HIM. In doing so... one carries carry HIS "load"... while he, in turns, carries such one's. And this is a GREAT benefit, indeed a DEAL... because HIS load... is light... indeed, lighter than any load ANY of us have.
    Self-discipline. I have GOT to work on that!!!
  • snowbird

    This thread is so uplifting.

    My gratitude goes to everyone, and a BIG welcome to VanDerHoven7.

    Your words are so tender and mild.

    Thanks, again.


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